
Defines functions is.na_validator

Documented in is.na_validator

# ==========================================================================
# Generic validators.
# ==========================================================================

#' @name          validators
#' @title         data validators
#' @param x       a data.table whose entries needs to be validated.
#' @param v       a data.table containing the validation rules. See notes.
#' @param reason  explain why it did not pass the validation.
#' @description   all validators (except is.na_validator) ignore NA entries.
#' @return        a data.table with two columns: variable (the names of the columns in x) 
#'                and rowid (the position of offending (i.e. not validated) entries).

#' @rdname validators
#' @name   is.na_validator
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c(1,2, NA, NA), v2  = c(1,2, NA, NA) )
#' is.na_validator(x)
is.na_validator <- function(x, reason = 'mandatory') {

  o = meltall(x, FALSE)
  o = o[is.na(value), .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname validators
#' @name   POSIXct_validator
#' @param ago       number of days indicating old data entry (set to a week)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #----------------------------------------------------#
#' t = Sys.time(); d = Sys.Date()
#' require(data.table)
#' x = data.table(
#'  v1 = c(NA, as.character(d-1), as.character(t - 3600*24*10 )  ) ,
#'  v2 = c('2016-11-23 25:23', as.character(t -100) ,as.character(t+100)))
#' POSIXct_validator(x)
#' x = data.table(zz =  c( as.character(d -1), as.character(d ) )  )
#' POSIXct_validator(x)
POSIXct_validator <- function(x, ago = 7, reason = 'date-time wrong, in the future or older than a week') {
  o = meltall(x)

  o[, datetime_ := strp_date_or_time(value) ]

  o[, v := TRUE] # we are optimistic
  o[ !is.na(value) & is.na(datetime_), v := FALSE]
  o[ datetime_ > as.POSIXct(Sys.Date()+1) , v := FALSE]  # do not allow future dates
  o[ datetime_ < Sys.time() - 3600*24*ago , v:= FALSE ] # more than a week ago

  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname  validators
#' @name    hhmm_validator
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c('02:04' , '16:56', '23:59'  ),
#'  v2 = c('24:04' , NA, '23:59'  ) )
#' hhmm_validator(x)

hhmm_validator <- function(x, reason = 'invalid time') {
  regexp = '^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$' # HH:MM
  o = meltall(x)
  o = o[, v := str_detect(value , regexp) , by = variable]
  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname  validators
#' @name    date_validator
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c('2017-01-21' , '2012-04-21', '2017-05-21'  ),
#'                v2 = c('2017' , '2017-01-xx', '2015-01-09'  ) )
#' print(date_validator(x))

date_validator <- function(x, reason = 'invalid date - should be: yyyy-mm-dd') {
  regexp = '^\\d\\d\\d\\d-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$' # YYYY-MM-DD
  o = meltall(x)
  o = o[, v := str_detect(value , regexp) , by = variable]
  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname  validators
#' @name    datetime_validator
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c('2017-01-21 02:04' , '2012-04-21 16:56', '2017-05-21 23:59'  ),
#'                v2 = c('2017-07-27 00:00' , '2017-01-21', '2015-01-09 23:59'  ) )
#' datetime_validator(x)

datetime_validator <- function(x, reason = 'invalid datetime_ - should be: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm') {
  regexp = '^\\d\\d\\d\\d-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) ([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$' # YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
  o = meltall(x)
  o = o[, v := str_detect(value , regexp) , by = variable]
  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname  validators
#' @name    datetime_validator with seconds
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c('2017-01-21 02:04:55' , '2012-04-21 16:56:01', '2017-05-21 23:59:00'  ),
#'                v2 = c('2017-07-27 00:00' , '2017-01-21', '2015-01-09 23:59:01'  ) )
#' datetime_validatorSS(x)

datetime_validatorSS <- function(x, reason = 'invalid datetime_ - should be: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') {
  regexp = '^\\d\\d\\d\\d-(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) ([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])$' # YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  o = meltall(x)
  o = o[, v := str_detect(value , regexp) , by = variable]
  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname  validators
#' @name    time_order_validator
#' @param time1  start time to compare
#' @param time2  end time to compare
#' @param units character string of units in of the time_max
#' @param time_max maximal time difference that is passing validation
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(cap_time = c('10:04' , '16:40', '01:55'),
#'                bleeding_time = c('10:10' , '16:30', '04:08'), rowid =1:3)
#' t = time_order_validator(x, time1 = 'cap_time', 
#' time2 = 'bleeding_time')

time_order_validator <- function(x, time1, time2, units = 'mins',  reason = 'invalid time order or time difference larger than expected', time_max = 60) {
  if(! 'rowid' %in% names(x)) {
      x[, rowid := .I]
      message("rowid is missing from x so it will be added now. If x is a subset then rowid does not reflect the row position in the non-subsetted x")

  o = x[, c(time1, time2, 'rowid'), with = FALSE]
  setnames(o, c('time1', 'time2', 'rowid'))

  f = function(x) strptime(x, format = "%H:%M") %>% as.POSIXct

  if( inherits(o$time1, 'character' ) )
    o[, dt1 := f(time1) ]
  if( inherits(o$time2, 'character' ) )
    o[, dt2 := f(time2) ]

  o[, difft := difftime(dt2, dt1, units = units)]
  o[, invalid := difft < 0 | difft > time_max]
  o = o[ (invalid) , .(rowid)]
  o[, variable := time1]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname  validators
#' @name    datetime_order_validator
#' @param time1  start datetime to compare
#' @param time2  end datetime to compare
#' @param units character string of units
#' @param time_max maximal time difference that is passing validation
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(cap_time = c('2019-06-03 16:04:47' , '2019-04-05 16:40', '2019-04-05 01:55'),
#'                bleeding_time = c('2019-06-03 16:00:54' , '2019-04-05 16:30', '2019-04-05 04:08'), rowid = 1:3)
#' t = time_order_validator(x, time1 = 'cap_time', time2 = 'bleeding_time')

datetime_order_validator <- function(x, time1, time2, units = 'days', reason = 'invalid datetime order or datetime difference larger than expected', time_max = 30) {

 if(! 'rowid' %in% names(x)) {
      x[, rowid := .I]
      message("rowid is missing from x so it will be added now. If x is a subset then rowid does not reflect the row position in the non-subsetted x")

  o = x[, c(time1, time2, 'rowid'), with = FALSE]
  setnames(o, c('time1', 'time2', 'rowid'))

  if( inherits(o$time1, 'character' ) )
    o[, time1 := as.POSIXct(time1) ]
  if( inherits(o$time2, 'character' ) )
    o[, time2 := as.POSIXct(time2) ]

  o[, difft := difftime(time2, time1, units = units)]
  o[, invalid := difft < 0 | difft > time_max]

  o = o[ (invalid) , .(rowid)]
  o[, variable := time1]
  o[, reason := reason]


#' @rdname   validators
#' @name     interval_validator
#' @note     `v` for interval_validator: a data.table with variable, lq, uq columns
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = runif(5)  , v2 = runif(5) )
#' v = data.table(variable = c('v1', 'v2'), lq = c(-1, 0.2), uq = c(.7, 0.5) )
#' interval_validator(x,v)
#'  #-----------------------#
#'  x = data.table(box = c(0, 1, 100, 300))
#'  v = data.table(variable = 'box', lq = 1, uq = 277 )
#' interval_validator(x,v)

interval_validator <- function(x, v, reason = 'unusually small or large measure') {

  o = meltall(x)
  o = merge(o, v, by = 'variable', sort = FALSE)
  o[, v := value >= lq & value <= uq ]

  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname   validators
#' @name     nchar_validator
#' @note     `v`  for nchar_validator: a data.table with variable and n (number of characters)
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c('x', 'xy', 'x')  , v2 = c('xx', 'x', 'xxx')  )
#' v = data.table(variable = c('v1', 'v2'), n = c(1, 2) )
#' nchar_validator(x, v)
nchar_validator <- function(x, v, reason = 'incorrect number of characters') {
  o = meltall(x)
  o = merge(o, v, by = 'variable', sort = FALSE)
  o[, v := nchar(value) == n, by = .(rowid, variable)]

  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname    validators
#' @name      is.element_validator 
#' @note      `v`   for is.element_validator: a data.table with variable and set (a vector of lists containing the valid elements for each variable )
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c('A', 'B', 'C')  , v2 = c('ZZ', 'YY', 'QQ')  )
#' v = data.table(variable = c('v1', 'v2'), 
#'                set = c( list( c('A', 'C') ), list( c('YY')  )) )
#' is.element_validator(x, v)

is.element_validator <- function(x, v, reason = 'invalid entry') {
  o = meltall(x)
  o = merge(o, v, by = 'variable', sort = FALSE)

  o[, v := is.element(value, unlist(set) )  , by =  .(rowid, variable) ]
  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname    validators
#' @name      is.duplicate_validator 
#' @note      `v`  for is.duplicate_validator: a data.table with variable and set (a vector of lists containing the already existing values for each variable )
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = c('A', 'B', 'C')  , v2 = c('ZZ', 'YY', 'QQ')  )
#' v = data.table(variable = c('v1', 'v2'), 
#'                set = c( list( c('A', 'C') ), list( c('YY')  )) )
#' is.duplicate_validator(x, v)

is.duplicate_validator <- function(x, v, reason = 'duplicate entry') {
  o = meltall(x)
  o = merge(o, v, by = 'variable', sort = FALSE)

  o[, v := is.element(value, unlist(set) )  , by =  .(rowid, variable) ]

  o = o[ (v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname    validators
#' @name      is.identical_validator 
#' @note      `v`   for is.identical_validator: a data.table with variable and x (the value to test against)
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(v1 = 1:3  , v2 = c('a', 'b', 'c')  )
#' v = data.table(variable = c('v1', 'v2'),  x = c(1, 'd'))
#' is.identical_validator(x, v)

is.identical_validator <- function(x, v, reason = 'invalid entry') {
  o = meltall(x)
  o = merge(o, v, by = 'variable', sort = FALSE)

  o[, v := (value == x)  ]

  o = o[ (!v) , .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

#' @rdname    validators
#' @name      is.regexp_validator 
#' @param     regexp   for is.regexp_validator: a regexp expression
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  #----------------------------------------------------#
#' x = data.table(id = c("x2-011-05-19", "x2-011-05-2019", "x2-011-5-2019", "x2-011-  5-2019") )
#'  is.regexp_validator(x, regexp = "^x[1-9]-\\d{3}-\\b(?:05|09|11)\\b-19$")

is.regexp_validator <- function(x, regexp, reason = "invalid pattern" ) {

  o <- meltall(x)

  o[, v := stringr::str_detect(value, regexp)]

  o <- o[(!v), .(rowid, variable)]
  o[, reason := reason]

  o[, .(rowid, variable, reason)]
mpio-be/DataEntry.validation documentation built on June 2, 2022, 8:28 p.m.