
Defines functions CZrm CZextractALL CZextractROI

Documented in CZextractALL CZextractROI CZrm

#' Extract data
#' Extract data from regions of interest.
#' @export
#' @importFrom exactextractr  exact_extract
#' @importFrom raster         brick
#' @importFrom data.table     data.table rbindlist setcolorder setnames :=
#' @importFrom foreach        %dopar%  foreach
#' @importFrom doParallel     registerDoParallel stopImplicitCluster
#' @importFrom sf             st_as_sf

#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' registerDoParallel(1) #change from 1 to several (or many) clusters.
#' CZopen_example()
#' CZextractROI()
#' stopImplicitCluster()
#' }

CZextractROI <- function() {
    stopifnot( colorZapper_file_active())
    dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), "DELETE FROM ROI_RGB")
    dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), "VACUUM") 

    pb = tempfile(fileext = '.txt')
    message("To follow progress when running in parallel, check file", sQuote(pb), "\n  e.g.,in linux, with\n tail -f ",pb)

    # data
    d = dbGetQuery(getOption('cz.con'), 
        "SELECT distinct f.id, f.path, w.pk, w.WKT FROM
        files f JOIN ROI w on f.ID = w.ID   ")
    basedir = dbGetQuery(getOption('cz.con'), "SELECT basedir from nfo")$basedir
    d$path = paste(basedir, d$path, sep = '/')

    dl = split(d, d$id)

    O = foreach(i = 1:length(dl), .packages = 'colorZapper', .errorhandling = 'pass') %dopar% {

        cat(i, ',', sep = '', file = pb, append = TRUE)

        pathi = dl[[i]]$path[1]

        ri = raster::brick (  pathi  ) 
        wi = lapply(dl[[i]]$wkt,  rgeos::readWKT)
        res = mapply( FUN = 
            function(x, id) { 

                resi = exactextractr::exact_extract(ri, st_as_sf(x) , force_df = TRUE, progress = FALSE)

                if( inherits(resi, "list") ) resi = resi[[1]]

                o = data.table(resi)
                cbind(o, id)

            }, x =  wi, id = dl[[i]]$pk, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        o = rbindlist(res)
        o[, coverage_fraction := NULL] 
        if(ncol(o) < 4) stop('Only ', ncol(o)-1, ' channels found, expecting 3 (RGB)')

    #check for errors
    err = sapply(O, FUN = inherits, what = 'simpleError')   
    if( any(err) ) {
        err_files = sapply( dl[err], function(x) unique(x$path) ) %>% basename
        warning("Files failed to process:\n", paste(err_files, sep = '\n') )

        O = O[!err]

    O = rbindlist(O, use.names=FALSE)
    setcolorder(O, c('id', setdiff(names(O), 'id') ))

    if(ncol(O) > 4) { 
        warning('More than three (RGB?) channels found; ignoring channel(s) 5 through ', ncol(O) )
        O = O[, 1:4]    

    setnames( O, c("roi_pk", "R", "G", "B")  )
    setcolorder( O, c( "R", "G", "B", "roi_pk")  )

    dbWriteTable(getOption('cz.con'), "ROI_RGB", O, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)


#' Extract data
#' Extract data from the entire image
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  CZextractALL()
#'  }
CZextractALL <- function() {
    stopifnot( colorZapper_file_active())
    dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), "DELETE FROM ALL_RGB")
    dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), "VACUUM") 

    pb = tempfile(fileext = '.txt')
    message("To follow progress when running in parallel, check file", sQuote(pb), "\n  e.g.,in linux, with\n tail -f ",pb)

    # data
    d = dbGetQuery(getOption('cz.con'), "SELECT * from files")
    basedir = dbGetQuery(getOption('cz.con'), "SELECT basedir from nfo")$basedir
    d$path = paste(basedir, d$path, sep = '/')

    dl = split(d, d$id)

    O = foreach(i = 1:length(dl), .packages = 'colorZapper', .errorhandling = 'pass') %dopar% {
        cat(i, ',', sep = '', file = pb, append = TRUE)

        pathi = dl[[i]]$path[1]

        ri = raster::brick (  pathi ) 
        o = data.table(ri[])
        o[, path := dl[[i]]$id[1] ]

    #check for errors
    err = sapply(O, FUN = inherits, what = 'simpleError')   
    if( any(err) ) {
        err_files = sapply( dl[err], function(x) unique(x$path) ) %>% basename
        warning("Files failed to process:\n", paste(err_files, sep = '\n') )

        O = O[!err]

    O = rbindlist(O, use.names=FALSE)

    if(!ncol(O) %in% c(4,5)) {
        stop("Unknown image format")

    if(ncol(O) == 4) 
        setnames(O, c("R", "G", "B", "all_pk") )

    if(ncol(O) == 5) {
        message('Four channels found. Assuming channel 4 sets transparency.')
        setnames(O, c("R", "G", "B", "a", "all_pk")  )
        O = O[a > 0]
        O[, a:= NULL]

    dbWriteTable(getOption('cz.con'), "ALL_RGB", O, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)


#' Remove entries
#' Remove entries associated with given images
#' @param fileNam File name whose corresponding entries will be removed from the active project.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export

CZrm <- function(fileNam) {
    stopifnot( colorZapper_file_active())
    ids =   dbGetQuery(getOption('cz.con'), 'SELECT * from files ') %>% setDT
    ids = ids[basename(path)  %in% fileNam]

    if(nrow(ids) == 0) 
        stop('None of the files exist in this project.')

    if(nrow(ids) != length(fileNam)) 
        warning('Some files do not exist in this project. Known files: \n', paste(basename(ids$path), collapse = '\n'))

    rmids = paste(ids$id, collapse = ',')

    o = dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), paste("DELETE FROM ROI where id in (", rmids, ')') )
    message('You need to run the CZextract* functions again!')      

    dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), "DELETE FROM ALL_RGB")
    dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), "DELETE FROM ROI_RGB")

    dbExecute(getOption('cz.con'), "VACUUM") 

mpio-be/colorZapper documentation built on May 26, 2021, 12:35 a.m.