
Defines functions read_email_attachements extract_email_attachements offlineimap

Documented in extract_email_attachements offlineimap read_email_attachements

#' offlineimap
#' @param  cnf  configuration variables are obtained from an external file config file. 
#'         default to config::get().
#' @param  maildir       maildir     
#' @return NULL
#' @export

offlineimap <- function(cnf =  config::get(), maildir) {

    accounts     = cnf$email$accounts
    localfolders = glue('{cnf$dir$base}{cnf$dir$email}')
    remotehost   = cnf$email$host
    remoteuser   = cnf$email$user
    pwd          = cnf$email$pwd

    tf = tempfile(); on.exit( file.remove(tf) )
    Cat = function(...) { cat(..., file = tf, sep = '', append = TRUE, fill = TRUE)}

    localrepository = paste0(accounts, 'loc')
    remoterepository = paste0(accounts, 'rem')

    Cat('[general]' )
      Cat('accounts=', accounts)

    Cat('[Account ', accounts, ']')
      Cat('localrepository=', localrepository)
      Cat('remoterepository=', remoterepository)

    Cat('[retriever]' )
      Cat('type=SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever' )

    Cat('[Repository ', localrepository, ']')
      Cat('type=Maildir' )
      Cat('localfolders=', localfolders )

    Cat('[Repository ', remoterepository, ']' )
      Cat('type=IMAP' )
      Cat('remotehost=', remotehost )
      Cat('remoteuser=', remoteuser )
      Cat('remotepass=', pwd )

     # file.edit(tf)

    call = paste('offlineimap -f', shQuote(paste0('INBOX/', maildir)), '-c', tf)  

#' extract_email_attachements to their dirs AFTER calling offlineimap
#' @param  maildir ARGOS or GSM_MTI
#' @param  onlynew default to TRUE
#' @param  keep default to ".*\\.(TXT|txt)"
#' @param  cnf  configuration variables are obtained from an external file config file. 
#'         default to config::get().
#' @return NULL
#' @note   When offlineimap() is called independently then, call extract_email_attachements(onlynew = FALSE) once so that
#'          no new emails are disregarded. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dup::extract_email_attachements(maildir = 'ARGOS', onlynew = FALSE)
#'  extract_email_attachements(maildir = 'GSM_MTI', onlynew = FALSE)
#' }

extract_email_attachements <- function(maildir, onlynew = TRUE, keep =  ".*\\.(TXT|txt|csv|CSV)", cnf =  config::get() ) {

  sourcedir = glue('{cnf$dir$base}{cnf$dir$email}INBOX.{maildir}')
  targetdir = glue('{cnf$dir$base}{cnf$dir$emailAtt}{maildir}')

  dir.create(targetdir ,recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )

  # offlineimap [ fetch new e-mails]
    t0 = data.table( path = list.files(path = sourcedir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE), new = 0  )

    offlineimap(maildir = maildir)

    t1 = data.table( path = list.files(path = sourcedir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)  )

    o = merge(t0, t1, by = 'path', all.y = TRUE)
      o = o[is.na(new)]

  # munpack [ extract attachments ]  
    o[, munpack_call := paste('munpack -f -C',targetdir, path) ]
    if(nrow(o) > 0)
    o[ , system(munpack_call), by = path]

  # unzip
      a = data.table( path = list.files(path = targetdir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) )
      zf = a[str_detect(path, ".zip$")]
      if(nrow(zf) > 0)
      zf[, unzip(zipfile = path, junkpaths = TRUE, exdir = targetdir), by = path]

  # cleanup unwanted files 
      g = list.files(path = targetdir, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) 
      g = g [ ! str_detect(g, keep) ]
      sapply(g, file.remove)



#' read_attachements
#' @param  maildir  maildir
#' @param  cnf  configuration variables are obtained from an external file config file. 
#'         default to config::get().
#' @param exclude  exclude filenames (if they are in the db already)
#' @param lastdate date of the last included file (date is embedded in the filename)
#' @param pattern  regexp on file name.
#' @param ...     passed to fread
#' @return DT
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = read_email_attachements(maildir='ARGOS'  , sep = ";")
#' x = read_email_attachements(maildir='GSM_MTI', pattern = "g_")
#' x = read_email_attachements(maildir='GSM_MTI', pattern = "e_")

read_email_attachements <- function(maildir, exclude, pattern,lastdate,sepDate = "",cnf =  config::get(), ...) {

   dirloc = glue('{cnf$dir$base}{cnf$dir$emailAtt}{maildir}')

   F = list.files( dirloc , full.names = TRUE)

   if(!missing(pattern)  && length(F) > 0 )  F = F[ str_detect(basename(F), pattern = pattern)] 
   if(!missing(exclude)  && length(F) > 0 )  F = F[ ! basename(F) %in% exclude] 
   if(!missing(lastdate) && length(F) > 0 )  F = F[ argosfilenam2date(basename(F), sepDate = sepDate) >= lastdate]

   F = na.omit(F)

   if(length(F) > 0 ) {
     o = foreach(f = F)  %do% {
       x = fread(f, fill = TRUE, header = TRUE, ... )
       x[, filenam := basename(f)]
     return(rbindlist(o, fill = TRUE))
   } else data.table()

mpio-be/dup documentation built on April 15, 2024, 8:10 p.m.