
Defines functions SQL2tableName SQL2spatialSQL isNotSelect getCRSfromDB enhanceOutput

Documented in enhanceOutput

#' Enhance a data.table by reference
#' @param  d a data.table
#' @param  ... optional parameters to anytime
#' @export
enhanceOutput <- function(d, ...) {
	requireNamespace("data.table", quietly=TRUE)
	# find datetime
	n = nrow(d)
	n = if(n < 5000) n else 5000

	datetime_cols <- d[1:n, sapply(.SD, string_is_mysql_date) ]
	datetime_cols <- datetime_cols[which(datetime_cols)] %>% names

	if(length(datetime_cols) > 0)
		d[ , (datetime_cols) := lapply(.SD, FUN = anytime , ... ), .SDcols = datetime_cols ]

	# key cols
	kc = c('ID', 'IDmale', 'IDfemale', 'transp', 'transponder',  datetime_cols)
	kc = names(d)[which(names(d) %in% kc )]

	if(length(datetime_cols) > 0)
	setkeyv(d, kc)


#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
getCRSfromDB <- function(con, tab) {
	x = dbGetQuery(con, str_glue("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{tab}'"))

	#table name without db
	x = stringr::str_split(tab, '\\.', simplify = TRUE)
	if(length(x) > 1) 
		tnam = stringr::str_trim(x[2]) 
	if(length(x) == 1) 
		tnam = stringr::str_trim(x[1]) 
	# if db name in tab then set db to active
	if(length(x) > 1) {
		db   = stringr::str_trim(x[1])

		dbExecute(con, paste('USE', db))

	SRID = dbq(con, paste('SELECT SRID FROM geometry_columns where F_TABLE_NAME = ', shQuote(tnam)   ) )$SRID

	SRTEXT = dbq(con, paste('SELECT SRTEXT FROM spatial_ref_sys where SRID = ', SRID))$SRTEXT

	sf::st_crs(wkt = SRTEXT)


isNotSelect <- function(q) {
	o = str_trim(q) %>% str_detect(regex('SELECT|SHOW', ignore_case = TRUE) )

#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_glue
SQL2spatialSQL <- function(q, geometry) {

	# btw select ... from
	b = str_split(q, regex('FROM', ignore_case = TRUE), simplify = TRUE )[1]
	b = str_split(b, regex('SELECT', ignore_case = TRUE), simplify = TRUE )[2]
	b = str_split(b, ',', simplify = TRUE) %>% str_trim

	if(b[1] == '*') stop('Please avoid `SELECT * FROM` and specify the columns you want to select.')

	# add ST_AsText to geom
	gpos =which(str_detect(b, regex(geometry, ignore_case = TRUE)   )) 
	b[gpos] <-  str_glue('ST_AsText( {b[gpos]} ) as {geometry}') 
	b = paste(b, collapse = ',')

	# re-construct sql
	f = str_split(q, regex('FROM', ignore_case = TRUE), simplify = TRUE )[2]

	str_glue('SELECT {b} FROM {f}')


SQL2tableName <- function(q) {

		b = str_split(q, regex('FROM', ignore_case = TRUE), simplify = TRUE )[2]
		b = str_split(b, regex('WHERE', ignore_case = TRUE), simplify = TRUE )[1]
		b = str_trim(b)

		complexQuery = str_detect(b, '=')

		if(complexQuery) {
			warning('More than one table identified. Give the table name explicitly?')
			b = NA


mpio-be/sdb documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 12:24 a.m.