1. Getting started

Installing the package. BIMEGA is available as an R package at GitHub. It can be installed in the following way:


If you have problems with missing dependencies, the following lines will make sure that all dependencies are installed.

pkgs <- c("optparse", "doParallel", "plyr", "R.utils", "foreach", "RColorBrewer", "ggplot2", "RCurl", "data.table", "R.matlab", "digest", "robustbase", "mclust", "dplyr", "ellipse")
for (pkg in pkgs) install.packages(pkg) # From CRAN
pkgs <- c("impute", "limma")
for (pkg in pkgs) biocLite(pkg) # From Bioconductor

Loading the package. To load the BIMEGA package in your R session, type library(BIMEGA).

Help files. Detailed information on BIMEGA package functions can be obtained in the help files. For example, to view the help file for the function BIMEGA in a R session, use ?BIMEGA.

2. Introduction

DNA methylation is a mechanism whereby a methyl-group is added onto a CpG site. Methylation of these CpG sites is associated with gene silencing and is an important mechanism for normal tissue development and is often involved in diseases such as cancer. Recently, many high throughput data has been generated profiling CpG site methylation on a genome wide bases. This has created large amounts of data on DNA methylation for many disease. Computational analysis of DNA methylation data is required to identify potentiall aberrant DNA methylation compared to normal tissue. BIMEGA was developed to tackle this question using a computational approach. BIMEGA identifies differential and functional DNA methylation by using a beta mixture model to identify subpopulations of samples with different DNA methylation compared to normal tissue. Functional DNA methylation refers to a significant negative correlation based on matched gene expression data. Together BIMEGA outputs hyper and hypomethylated genes which can be used for downstream analysis, and are called BIMEGA drivers. BIMEGA was designed for cis-regulated promoter differential methylation and works best when specific CpG sites are profiled associated with a gene. For example using data from the 27k and 450k Infinium platforms.

BIMEGA is based on MethylMix (Gevaert, 2015), extending its capabilities with a biviariate Gaussian mixture model fitted jointly to DNA methylation and gene expression data to identify the subpopulations, and with a robust polynomial regression to study the association between these two variables.

3. Data access and preprocessing

The BIMEGA package provides functions to access and preprocess data at The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) portal. Given a cancer type indicated by TCGA's code and a path to save downloaded files, all the download and preprocess of data can be executed with:

cancerSite <- "OV"
targetDirectory <- paste0(getwd(), "/")
GetData(cancerSite, targetDirectory)

All functions in the BIMEGA package can be run in parallel, if the user provides a parallel set up, like the following:

cancerSite <- "OV"
targetDirectory <- paste0(getwd(), "/")

cl <- makeCluster(5)
GetData(cancerSite, targetDirectory)

The GetData function downloads DNA methylation data and gene expression. The methylation data is provided using 27k or 450k Illumina platforms. If both 27k and 450k files are found, the data is carefully combined. For gene expression, either microarray (Agilent), RNA sequencing data or both are available. The BIMEGA package downloads RNA sequencing data for all cancer sites except for ovarian and gliobastoma cancer sites (few RNA-seq samples available). For the preprocessing of the data, we package perform missing value estimation and batch correction (using Combat). Finally, as in the TCGA case, when only probe level Illumina data is available, mapping probes to genes is recommended before building mixture models. This allows to focus on cis- regulated differential methylation by only focusing on differential methylation of CpG sites to their closest gene transcripts. Both the 27k and 450k Illumina platforms have database R packages that provide the necessary mapping information. We use the annotation to map probes to genes, before clustering the probes within each gene. This whole process can take a long time, depending of the size of the data.

It is also possible to perform each one of these task individually using other functions in the BIMEGA package, as in the following example:

cancerSite <- "OV"
targetDirectory <- paste0(getwd(), "/")

cl <- makeCluster(5)

# Downloading methylation data
METdirectories <- Download_DNAmethylation(cancerSite, targetDirectory)
# Processing methylation data
METProcessedData <- Preprocess_DNAmethylation(cancerSite, METdirectories)
# Saving methylation processed data
saveRDS(METProcessedData, file = paste0(targetDirectory, "MET_", cancerSite, "_Processed.rds"))

# Downloading gene expression data
GEdirectories <- Download_GeneExpression(cancerSite, targetDirectory)
# Processing gene expression data
GEProcessedData <- Preprocess_GeneExpression(cancerSite, GEdirectories)
# Saving gene expression processed data
saveRDS(GEProcessedData, file = paste0(targetDirectory, "GE_", cancerSite, "_Processed.rds"))

# Clustering probes to genes methylation data
METProcessedData <- readRDS(paste0(targetDirectory, "MET_", cancerSite, "_Processed.rds"))
res <- ClusterProbes(METProcessedData[[1]], METProcessedData[[2]])

# Putting everything together in one file
toSave <- list(METcancer = res[[1]], METnormal = res[[2]], MAcancer = GEProcessedData[[1]], GEnormal = GEProcessedData[[2]], ProbeMapping = res$ProbeMapping)
saveRDS(toSave, file = paste0(targetDirectory, "data_", cancerSite, ".rds"))


4. Data input for BIMEGA

To run BIMEGA four data sets of a particular disease are used. The DNA methylation data and gene expression data for the disease samples, METcancer and MAcancer, respectively, allow to identify subgroup of samples with common methylation and expression profiles through the fitting of the bivariate Gaussian mixture model for each gene of interest. These two data sets are also used to identify functional differnential methylation by fitting a polynomial robust regression model. METnormal is an appropriate normal or baseline methylation data which is used to distinguish between hyper or increased methylation vs. hypo or decreased methylation. Optionally, if MAnormal, the data set of gene expression for normal samples, is provided, it will be used in the plot function. Each of these data sets are matrix objects with genes in the rows with unique rownames (e.g. gene symbols) and samples or patients in the columns with unique patient names. The GetData function described before saves an R object which contains these matrices in the correct format.

As example, small data sets from TCGA of gliobastoma samples are availabe in the BIMEGA package:

head(METcancer[, 1:4])
head(METnormal[, 1:4])
head(MAcancer[, 1:4])
head(MAnormal[, 1:4])

5. Running BIMEGA

Using the example gliobastoma data provided in the package, BIMEGA can be to identify hypo and hypermethylated genes run as follows:

BIMEGAResults <- BIMEGA(METcancer, METnormal, MAcancer, MAnormal)

Or in parallel:

cl <- makeCluster(5)
BIMEGAResults <- BIMEGA(METcancer, METnormal, MAcancer, MAnormal)

The output from the BIMEGA function is a list with the following elements:

Differential Methylation values (DM-values) are defined as the difference between the methylation mean in one mixture component of cancer samples and the methylation mean in the normal samples, for a given gene.

BIMEGAResults$MethylationStates[, 1:5]
BIMEGAResults$Classifications[, 1:5]
# BIMEGAResults$Models

6. Graphical output

The BIMEGA package also provides a function to visually represent the findings. The BIMEGA_PlotModel produces a scatterplot between DNA methylation and gene expression, where colors represent different mixture states. Dots with white borders represent centroids for DNA methylation and gene expression in each subgroup. For normal samples, the black dot represents the centroid, the black ellipse represents the bivariate 95% confidence ellipse for normal data, and the vertical and horizontal black lines represent 95% univariate confidence intervals for gene expression and methylation. These symbols might be missing if the required data is not available for normal data (for example, no ellipse is shown if methylation and gene expression for normal samples is not matched by patients).

for (gene in BIMEGAresults$MethylationDrivers) {
    g <- BIMEGA_Plot(gene, BIMEGAresults, METcancer, MAcancer, METnormal, MAnormal)

7. Sesssion Info



Gevaert,O. (2015) MethylMix: an R package for identifying DNA methylation-driven genes. Bioinformatics), 31, 1839-41.

mpru/BIMEGA documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:34 a.m.