Man pages for mqzhanglab/BSDE
Barycenter Single-Cell Differential Expression for Case-Control Studies

BSDECalculate the BSDE p-value for a SingleCellExperiment object.
calc_multimod_paramFor a given mixture 0.5 ZINB(mu(1-t), theta, z) + 0.5...
calc_zinb_paramGiven a ZINB(mu, theta, z), returns ZINB(mu', theta', z) such...
cal_w2_bulk_pvalCalculate p-value for a given gene based on bulk RNAseq. The...
cal_w2_pvalThis function calculates the BSDE Barycenter p-value of a...
de.dpindicator vector (1 for differential expression in...
de.meanindicator vector (1 for differential expression in mean)
de.multindicator vector (1 for differential expression in...
de.varindicator vector (1 for differential expression in variance)
metaMeta information
sce'SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment' object
sim_matrixcount data (row: gene, column: cell)
sim_matrix_bulkmatrix for bulk RNA data (gene x individual)
simu_base_paramGiven parameters of a reference dataset, calculate the ZINB...
mqzhanglab/BSDE documentation built on March 20, 2022, 5:17 a.m.