
Defines functions predict.mcstate_pmcmc pmcmc_predict

Documented in pmcmc_predict

##' Run predictions from the results of [pmcmc()]. This
##' function can also be called by running [predict()] on
##' the object, using R's S3 dispatch.
##' @title Run predictions from PMCMC
##' @param object The results of running [pmcmc()] with
##'   `return_state = TRUE` (without this extra information,
##'   prediction is not possible)
##' @param times A vector of time times to return predictions for. The
##'   first value must be the final value run in your simulation. An
##'   error will be thrown if you get this value wrong, look in
##'   `object$predict$time` (or the error message) for the
##'   correct value.
##' @param n_threads The number of threads used in the simulation. If
##'   not given, we default to the value used in the particle filter
##'   that was used in the pmcmc.
##' @param seed The random number seed (see [`particle_filter`]). The
##'   default value of `NULL` will seed the dust random number
##'   generator from R's random number generator. However, you can
##'   pick up from the same RNG stream used in the simulation if you
##'   pass in `seed = object$predict$seed`. However, do not do this if
##'   you are gong to run `pmcmc_predict()` multiple times the result
##'   will be identical. If you do want to call predict with this
##'   state multiple times you should create a persistant rng state
##'   object (e.g., with [dust::dust_rng] and perform a "long jump"
##'   between each call.
##' @param prepend_trajectories Prepend trajectories from the particle
##'   filter to the predictions created here.
##' @export
pmcmc_predict <- function(object, times, prepend_trajectories = FALSE,
                          n_threads = NULL, seed = NULL) {
  if (is.null(object$predict)) {
    stop("mcmc was run with return_state = FALSE, can't predict")
  if (isTRUE(object$predict$is_continuous)) {
    stop("predict not (yet) possible with continuous models (mrc-3453)")
  if (length(times) < 2) {
    stop("At least two times required for predict")
  if (times[[1]] != object$predict$time) {
    stop(sprintf("Expected times[1] to be %d", object$predict$time))
  if (prepend_trajectories && is.null(object$trajectories)) {
    stop(paste("mcmc was run with return_trajectories = FALSE,",
               "can't prepend trajectories"))

  state <- object$state
  index <- object$predict$index
  model <- object$predict$filter$model
  n_threads <- n_threads %||% object$predict$filter$n_threads

  if (is_3d_array(state)) {
    pars <- apply(object$pars, 1, nested_transform, object$predict$transform)
    pars <- unlist(pars, FALSE)
    dim(pars) <- dim(object$pars)[c(3, 1)]
  } else {
    pars <- apply(object$pars, 1, object$predict$transform)

  index <- object$predict$index
  model <- object$predict$filter$model
  n_threads <- n_threads %||% object$predict$filter$n_threads

  mod <- model$new(pars, times[[1]], NULL, n_threads = n_threads,
                   seed = seed, pars_multi = TRUE)

  mod$update_state(state = state)
  if (!is.null(index)) {
  y <- mod$simulate(times)

  res <- mcstate_trajectories_discrete(times, object$predict$rate, y, TRUE)

  if (prepend_trajectories) {
    res <- bind_mcstate_trajectories_discrete(object$trajectories, res)


##' @export
predict.mcstate_pmcmc <- function(object, ...) {
  pmcmc_predict(object, ...)
mrc-ide/mcstate documentation built on April 18, 2024, 3:01 a.m.