Man pages for mrc-ide/naomi
Naomi Model for Subnational HIV Estimates

add_output_labelsAdd labels to output indicators
age_bar_plotlyPlotly barplot comparing age distribution of survey inputs...
aggregate_ancAggregate ANC data according to area hierarchy
aggregate_artAggregate ART data according to area hierarchy
align_inputs_outputsAlign model data inputs and model estimates
anc_programme_data_warningWarning for aggregated subnational data input snot equal to...
anc_testing_prev_mfPrepare Model Frames for Programme Datasets
artnum_mfBuild artnum model frame
art_programme_data_warningWarning for aggregated subnational data input snot equal to...
assert_pjnz_shiny90Check whether PJNZ contains .shiny90 file
bar_plotlyPlotly barplot comparing geographical distribution of data...
build_hierarchy_labelReturn the translated label & description for a set of plot...
cache_invariantMake a function cache invariant
calculate_prevalence_art_coverageCalculate prevalence and ART coverage from ANC input data
calibrate_outputsCalibrate naomi model outputs
cmc_dateConvert Date to Century Month Code (CMC)
create_adj_matrixCreate adjacency matrix from spatial polygons
create_area_aggregationLong data frame mapping area hierarchy areas to model level...
create_areasCreate an Areas Object
create_edge_listCreate edgelist from adjacency matrix
cut_naomi_age_groupCut Five Year Age Groups
data_type_labelsGet id to label mapping for calibration plot data type
demo_anc_testingProgramme data: Malawi routine HIV service delivery data
demo_area_boundariesMalawi area boundaries.
demo_area_hierarchyMalawi area hierarchy
demo_area_levelsMalawi area levels.
demo_population_agesexMalawi age-sex stratified population data
demo_survey_biomarkerMalawi survye biomarkers
demo_survey_clustersMalawi survey clusters
demo_survey_hiv_indicatorsMalawi HIV indicators
demo_survey_individualsMalawi survey individuals
demo_survey_metaMalawi survey metadata
demo_survey_regionsMalawi survey regions
disaggregate_0to4_outputsDisaggregate age 0-4 outputs to <1 / 1-4
district_barplotCreate district bar plot
dropdown_buttonsAutomatically make drop drop buttons for plotly filter
extract_pjnz_naomiExtract Model Inputs from Spectrum PJNZ
extract_pjnz_program_dataExtract ART and ANC testing program data inputs from Spectrum...
extract_shiny90_age_sexExport proportion aware by five year age group from Shiny90
fit_tmbFit TMB model
generate_comparison_reportGenerate and save comparison report at specified path
generate_output_summary_reportGenerate and save summary report at specified path
get_age_group_outGet age group ids for output
get_age_groupsData frame of age groups
get_anc_metadataMetadata for ANC plot types used in the input time series...
get_area_collectionGet a collection of areas
get_art_metadataMetadata for ART plot types used in the input time series...
get_colour_scaleGet colour scale and ranges for a particular country
get_five_year_age_groupsGet 5 year age groups
get_metadataGet indicator metadata as a data frame
get_meta_indicatorGet indicator metadata
get_plotting_metadataGet plotting metadata for a particular country
get_plot_type_column_metadataReturn the translated label & description for a set of plot...
get_spec_aggr_interpolationInterpolate Spectrum to quarter_id
hintr_calibrateCalibrate hintr_output
hintr_calibrate_plotGet data for hintr calibrate plot
hintr_comparison_plotGet data for hintr comparison plot
hintr_prepare_agyw_downloadPrepare AGYW tool download
hintr_prepare_coarse_age_group_downloadPrepare coarse age group download
hintr_prepare_comparison_report_downloadPrepare comparison report download
hintr_prepare_datapack_downloadPrepare Datapack download
hintr_prepare_spectrum_downloadPrepare spectrum download
hintr_prepare_summary_report_downloadPrepare summary report download
hintr_run_modelRun the model and save output
hintr_validate_anc_programme_dataRun validation for subnational programme data input
hintr_validate_art_programme_dataRun validation for subnational programme data input
ImportsWe need to import these as they are used by dependencies...
interpolate_population_agesexLog-linear interpolation of age/sex stratified population
log_linear_interpLog-linear interpolation of NA values
map_outputsCreate output map plot
naomi_model_frameConstruct Model Frames and Adjacency Structures
naomi_objective_function_rR implementation of Naomi model
naomi_output_frameModel Frame and Linear Transform for Aggregated Model Outputs
output_naomi_warningGenerate naomi warning for specific strata of simulated...
output_packageBuild output package from fit
pipePipe operator
pop_pyramid_outputsCreate population pyramid plot
prepare_anc_spectrum_comparisonCompare aggregated subnational ART inputs + spectrum totals...
prepare_art_spectrum_comparisonCompare aggregated district ART inputs + spectrum totals...
prepare_input_time_series_ancPrepare data for ANC input time series plots
prepare_input_time_series_artPrepare data for ART input time series plots
prepare_spectrum_naomi_comparisonCompare aggregated subnational Naomi + spectrum totals for...
prepare_tmb_inputsPrepare inputs for TMB model.
quarter_year_labelsTime period indexing
read_csv_partial_colsRead CSV with missing columns
read_hintr_outputRead hintr output
read_metadataGet indicator metadata as a data frame
read_populationRead Naomi structured input files
read_spectrum_projection_nameRead Spectrum Projection Name from Spectrum PJNZ
read_spectrum_region_codeRead Subnational Region Code from Spectrum PJNZ
read_spectrum_region_nameRead Subnational Region Name from Spectrum PJNZ
report_tmbCalculate Posterior Mean and Uncertainty Via TMB 'sdreport()'
sample_tmbSample TMB fit
save_outputSave outputs to zip file
save_output_packageSave outputs to zip file
scale_gmrf_precisionScale of GMRF precision matrix
scatter_plotlyPlotly scatterplot data inputs and naomi outputs
sdreport_joint_precisionGet Joint Precision of TMB Fixed and Random
select_naomi_dataSelect data for model fitting
spread_areasSpread area hierarchy to wide format
subset_naomi_outputSubset the results returned in Naomi output package
subset_output_packageResave a subsetted Naomi output package
survey_mfPrepare model frames for survey datasets
tag_data_inputsTag data inputs
th_map'ggplot2' theme for plotting maps
validate_model_optionsValidate a set of model options
write_datapack_csvExport naomi outputs to PEPFAR Data Pack format
write_navigator_checklistWrite UNAIDS Estimates Navigator checklist CSV
mrc-ide/naomi documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 7:28 p.m.