rrq_worker_script: Write worker runner script

View source: R/worker_runner.R

rrq_worker_scriptR Documentation

Write worker runner script


Write a small script that can be used to launch a rrq worker. The resulting script takes the same arguments as the rrq_worker constructor, but from the command line. See Details.


rrq_worker_script(path, versioned = FALSE)



The path to write to. Should be a directory (or one will be created if it does not yet exist). The final script will be file.path(path, "rrq_worker")


Logical, indicating if we should write a versioned R script that will use the same path to Rscript as the running session. If FALSE we use ⁠#!/usr/bin/env Rscript⁠ which will pick up Rscript from the path. You may want to use a versioned script in tests or if you have multiple R versions installed simultaneously.


If you need to launch rrq workers from a script, it's convenient not to have to embed R code like:

Rscript -e 'rrq::rrq_worker$new("myqueue")'

as this is error-prone and unpleasant to quote and read. You can use the function rrq_worker_script to write out a small helper script which lets you write:

./path/rrq_worker myqueue


The helper script supports the same arguments as the ⁠[rrq::rrq_worker]⁠ constructor:

  • queue_id as the sole positional argument

  • name_config as --config

  • worker_id as --worker-id

To change the redis connection settings, set the REDIS_URL environment variable (see redux::hiredis() for details).

For example to create a worker myworker with configuration myconfig on queue myqueue you might use

./rrq_worker --config=myconfig --worker-id=myworker myqueue


Invisibly, the path to the script


path <- rrq::rrq_worker_script(tempfile())

mrc-ide/rrq documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 7:38 p.m.