Man pages for mrc-ide/safir2
Individual-Based Model of COVID Transmission

add_named_listenerAdd named listener to an event
attach_event_listenersAttach listeners to events
create_age_variablesCreate age variables
create_compartment_variablesCreate compartmental state variables
create_continuous_age_variableContinuous age variable
create_discrete_age_variableDiscrete age variable
create_eventsCreate disease progression events
create_event_scheduler_listenerA listener to schedule future events
create_state_update_listenerA listener to update state
create_variablesCreate age & compartment variables
get_asymptomaticFunction to add asymptomatic information
get_populationGet population from SQUIRE model
get_squire_parametersGet parameters from squire model
get_state_vectorGet vector of states from parameters
identify_ages_to_adjustIdentify ages to adjust
interp_input_parInterpolate input parameters
interpolate_rtProduce piecewise linear Rt
iso3c_agesMedian ages for countries
make_get_age_probabilitiesGet age-structured transition probabilities at current...
make_get_contact_matrixGet contact matrix at current timestep
make_get_NATMake function to calculate population NAT
make_get_vectorGet vector or scalar parameter at current timestep
make_get_ve_severeMake function to calculate efficacy against severe disease
make_rerlangMake Erlang waiting time distribution
make_rexpMake exponential waiting time distribution
safir2safir2: squire and friends individual rewrite rewrite
swap_agesSwap values that have been identified
ve_infection_functional_formFunction for efficacy against infection
mrc-ide/safir2 documentation built on Jan. 14, 2022, 9:37 p.m.