Man pages for mrc-ide/squire
SEIR transmission model of COVID-19

adjusted_eigenCompute age-adjusted eigenvalue for mixing matrix
alignAlign deaths
beta_estEstimate beta for a squire model using model parameters
beta_est_explicitEstimate beta parameter for explicit model
beta_est_simpleEstimate beta parameter
calibrateCalibrate via particle filter grid search using time series...
check_squireCheck object is an squire_simulation
check_time_changeCheck time change inputs are correct
compare_outputCompare model to death data
conduct_replicateHandles simulating replicates within 'projections'
contact_matricesContact matrices
country_specific_healthcare_capacityCountry specific healthcare capacity
create_master_chaincreate a master chain from a pmcmc_list object
default_durationsReturn the default hospital durations for modelling
default_probsReturn the default probabilities for modelling
deterministic_modelSimple SEEIR model creation. We will use this structure to...
div_popDivide matrix by population
drjacoby_mcmcRun an MCMC Sampler using drjacoby
elderly_popElderly Population
explicit_modelExplicit SEEIR model creation. We will use this structure to...
extract_deathsExtract deaths from model output
extract_hospital_occExtract hospital bed occupancy from model output
extract_ICU_occExtract ICU bed occupancy from model output
extract_infection_incidenceExtract infection incidence from model output
format_deterministic_outputFormat deterministic model output as data.frame
format_outputFormat model output as data.frame
format_output_simple_modelFormat model output from simple as data.frame
get_elderly_populationGet elderly population data (5 year age-breakdown for 80-84,...
get_healthcare_capacityGet healthcare capacity data
get_lmic_countriesGet supported LMIC countries
get_mixing_matrixGet mixing matrix
get_populationGet population data
income_groupIncome group
income_strata_healthcare_capacityIncome strata healthcare capacity
init_checkCheck and set up initial values
init_check_explicitCheck and set up initial values for explicit model
intervention_dates_for_odinPrepare intervention timing for odin
matrix_checkCheck dimensions of inputs
matrix_setProcess set of contact matrices -> mixing matrices
parameters_explicit_SEEIRParmaters for explicit SEEIR model
parameters_simple_SEEIRParmeters for the simple SEEIR model
parse_country_severityParse country severity parameters
particle_filterRun a particle filter
particle_filter_dataPrepare particle filter data
plot.squire_scansquire scan plot
plot.squire_simulationsquire simulation plot
pmcmcRun a Particle MCMC Sampler within the Squire Framework
pos_numCheck argument is a single positive numeric
print.squire_simulationsquire simulation print
process_contact_matrixProcess a contact matrix
process_contact_matrix_scaled_ageProcess a contact matrix with an extra
projection_plottingPlot projections against each other
projectionsProvide projections from calibrated simulations by changing...
run_deterministic_comparisonRun Deterministic model comparison
run_deterministic_SEIR_modelRun the deterministic explicit SEIR model
run_explicit_SEEIR_modelRun the explicit SEEIR model
run_particle_filterRun particle filter
run_simple_SEEIR_modelRun the SEEIR model
sample_3d_grid_scanSample Grid Scan
sample_drjacobySample from a drjacoby mcmc
sample_grid_scanSample Grid Scan
sample_pmcmcSample PMCMC
scan_R0_dateGrid search of R0 and start date
scan_R0_date_MeffGrid search of R0 and start date
simple_modelSimple SEEIR model creation. We will use this structure to...
summary.squire_simulationsquire simulation summary
trigger_projectionsProject lockdowns based on triggering
mrc-ide/squire documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 1:11 a.m.