import_raw_data: Import the Raw Dataset

View source: R/00_import_raw_data.R

import_raw_dataR Documentation

Import the Raw Dataset


Import the raw .csv file of the 2020 knotweed's tarping survey data.
To avoid errors, please ensure that there are no ";" in the cells of the CSV (e.g. if comments have been made in the table cells) and that strings within the table are written in lower cases, without spaces or any special characters (you can write in English for instance).




A tibble (i.e. a kind of improved data.frame). For further information on tibbles, please refer to the tidyverse or readr documentation.


## Not run: 
mydata <- import_raw_data()

## End(Not run)

mrelnoob/jk.dusz.tarping documentation built on July 31, 2023, 9:19 a.m.