model_datasets: Datasets for Models Building

View source: R/02_data_preparation.R

model_datasetsR Documentation

Datasets for Models Building


The model_datasets function creates the respective reduced datasets that should be used to model each response variables. For instance, if response.var = "overlaps", the function will produce a dataset containing reg_stripsoverlap as the response variable and a subset of variables to be used as predictors/explanatory variables (removing all the variables that should not be used to model reg_stripsoverlap's variations).


  response.var = c("efficiency", "edges", "overlaps", "tarpedarea")



A character string specifying which modelling dataset should be produced (either: efficiency", "edges", "overlaps", or "tarpedarea"):

  • "efficiency" will produce the dataset for the 3 efficiency evaluation variables (namely eff_eradication, eff_expansion and eff_vigour);

  • "edges" will produce the dataset having for response variable the tarping operations that observed regrowth at the edge of the tarped area (at the end of the operation or during the latest visit to the site);

  • "overlaps" produce the dataset having for response variable the tarping operations that observed regrowth at strip overlaps;

  • "tarpedarea" will produce the dataset having for response variable the tarping operations that observed regrowth at somewhere on the area covered by the fabric.


A tibble.


## Not run: 
eff_model <- model_datasets(response.var = "efficiency")

## End(Not run)

mrelnoob/jk.dusz.tarping documentation built on July 31, 2023, 9:19 a.m.