Distances: Direct entry points to "tqDist" functions

DistancesR Documentation

Direct entry points to "tqDist" functions


Wrappers for functions in "tqDist", which calculate triplet and quartet distances between pairs of trees.


QuartetDistance(file1, file2)

QuartetAgreement(file1, file2)

PairsQuartetDistance(file1, file2)

OneToManyQuartetAgreement(file1, file2)



TripletDistance(file1, file2)

PairsTripletDistance(file1, file2)



file, file1, file2

Paths to files containing a tree or trees in Newick format, possibly created using TQFile().


...Distance() functions return the distance between the requested trees.

...Agreement() functions return the number of triplets or quartets that are:

  • A, resolved in the same fashion in both trees;

  • E, unresolved in both trees.

Comparing a tree against itself yields the totals (A+B+C) and (D+E) referred to by Brodal et al. (2013) and Holt et al. (2014).


  • QuartetDistance(): Returns the quartet distance between the tree. in file1 and the tree in file2.

  • QuartetAgreement(): Returns a vector of length two, listing [1] the number of resolved quartets that agree (A); [2] the number of quartets that are unresolved in both trees (E). See Brodal et al. (2013).

  • PairsQuartetDistance(): Quartet distance between the tree on each line of file1 and the tree on the corresponding line of file2.

  • OneToManyQuartetAgreement(): Quartet distance between the tree in file1 and the tree on each line of file2.

  • AllPairsQuartetDistance(): Quartet distance between each tree listed in file and each other tree therein.

  • AllPairsQuartetAgreement(): Quartet status for each pair of trees in file.

  • TripletDistance(): Triplet distance between the single tree given in each file.

  • PairsTripletDistance(): Triplet distance between the tree on each line of file1 and the tree on the corresponding line of file2.

  • AllPairsTripletDistance(): Triplet distance between each tree listed in file and each other tree therein.


  • Algorithms: Brodal et al. (2013); Holt et al. (2014).

  • C implementation: Sand et al. (2014); modified for portability by Martin R. Smith.

  • R interface: Martin R. Smith.


  • \insertRef


  • \insertRef


  • \insertRef


See Also

  • QuartetStatus() takes trees, rather than files, as input.

  • TQFile() creates a temporary file containing specified trees.

ms609/SlowQuartet documentation built on April 17, 2024, 11:23 a.m.