animateColor: An elementt used to specify a color transformation over time

Description Available Attributes (Named Parameters) Available Content Elements (Unnamed Parameters)


Element used to specify a color transformation over time. The use of 'animateColor' is deprecated, since all of its functionality can be achieved simply by using 'animate' to target properties that can take color values. The 'animateColor' element may be dropped from a future version of the SVG specification.

Available Attributes (Named Parameters)

Animation Addition Attributes

accumulate, additive

Animation Attribute Target Attributes

attributeName, attributeType

Animation Event Attributes

onbegin, onend, onload, onrepeat

Animation Timing Attributes

begin, dur, end, fill, max, min, repeatCount, repeatDur, restart

Animation Value Attributes

by, calcMode, from, keySplines, keyTimes, to, values

Conditional Processing Attributes

requiredExtensions, requiredFeatures, systemLanguage

Core Attributes

id, xml.base, xml.lang,

Graphical Event Attributes


Presentation Attributes

color.interpolation, color.rendering



Xlink Attributes

xlink.actuate, xlink.arcrole, xlink.href, xlink.role,, xlink.title, xlink.type

Available Content Elements (Unnamed Parameters)

Descriptive Elements

desc, metadata, title

mslegrand/svgR documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 2:59 p.m.