color-presentationAttribute: color

Description Available Attribute Values Used by the Elements


Defines *currentColor*, which is may be used indirectly as fall-back color for the properties: *fill*, *stroke*, *stop-color*, *flood-color* and *lighting-color*

Available Attribute Values


Sets the color. The color may be expressed in one of three ways: name (i.e. red), or numeric (#f00 or #ff0000) or rgb (rgb(255,0,0)). An optional ICC color may also be specified as a 2nd component of the color vector.


Specifies the color is to be inherited from the ancestor..

Used by the Elements

Filter Primitive Elements

feDiffuseLighting, feFlood, feSpecularLighting

Shape Elements

circle, ellipse, line, path, polygon, polyline, rect

Text Content Elements

altGlyph, text, textPath, tref, tspan

Uncategorized Elements


mslegrand/svgR documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 2:59 p.m.