
Defines functions download_read_itr_zip_file

Documented in download_read_itr_zip_file

#' Downloads and reads ITR datasets
#' @param url_in Url of file to download and read
#' @inheritParams get_itr_data
#' @return A dataframe with itr data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ # keep cran check fast
#' my_url <- 'http://dados.cvm.gov.br/dados/CIA_ABERTA/DOC/ITR/DADOS/itr_cia_aberta_2012.zip'
#' df_out <- download_read_itr_zip_file(url_in = my_url,
#'                                      companies_cvm_codes = NULL,
#'                                      type_docs = 'DRE',
#'                                      type_format = 'con',
#'                                      clean_data = TRUE)
#' }
download_read_itr_zip_file <- function(url_in,
                                       cache_folder = 'gcvmd_cache',
                                       clean_data) {

  # create folder
  dir_zip <- file.path(cache_folder, 'ITR_zip_files')
  if (!dir.exists(dir_zip)) dir.create(dir_zip, recursive = TRUE)

  # find appropriate beverage
  my_beverage <- select_responsible_beverage()

  message('Downloading ', basename(url_in), ' (grab some ',
          my_beverage, '. This might take a while..)', appendLF = TRUE)

  dest_file <- file.path(dir_zip, basename(url_in))

  flag_dl <- my_download_file(dl_link = url_in,
                   dest_file = dest_file,
                   max_dl_tries = 10, be_quiet = TRUE)

  # unzip file in tempdir
  #message('\t\t\tunzipping file')
  unzip_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), tools::file_path_sans_ext(
    basename(url_in) ) )
  utils::unzip(zipfile = dest_file,exdir = unzip_dir,
        junkpaths = TRUE)

  unzipped_files <- list.files(unzip_dir, full.names = TRUE)

  # remove metadata file
  unzipped_files <- unzipped_files[2:length(unzipped_files)]

  # find types of docs and formats
  temp_str <-stringr::str_match_all(

  type_files_doc <- stringr::str_to_upper(as.character(purrr::map(temp_str, 2)))
  type_files_format <- as.character(purrr::map(temp_str, 3))

  # filter by type and format
  idx <- (type_files_doc %in% type_docs)&(type_files_format %in% type_format)
  unzipped_files <- unzipped_files[idx]

  if (length(unzipped_files) == 0) {
    stop('Cant find any files for selected type_docs')

  #message('\t\t\t\tfound ', length(unzipped_files), ' files')
  #message('\t\t\treading files', appendLF = FALSE)

  df_out <- dplyr::bind_rows(purrr::map(unzipped_files, read_itr_csv,
                                        clean_data = clean_data))

  # filter by company
  if (!is.null(companies_cvm_codes)) {
    idx <- df_out$CD_CVM %in% companies_cvm_codes
    df_out <- df_out[idx, ]

  message('\t\tGot ', nrow(df_out), ' rows | ',
          length(unique(df_out$CD_CVM)), ' companies', ' | ',
          length(unique(df_out$DT_FIM_EXERC)), ' fiscal dates')

  # clean up
  unlink(unzip_dir, recursive = TRUE)


msperlin/GetCVMData documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1:19 a.m.