
Defines functions check_internet substitute_tickers set_cli_msg calc_cum_ret calc_ret unix_to_date date_to_unix get_morale_boost fix_ticker_name

#' Fix name of ticker
#' @noRd
fix_ticker_name <- function(ticker_in) {
  ticker_in <- stringr::str_replace_all(ticker_in, stringr::fixed("."), "")
  ticker_in <- stringr::str_replace_all(ticker_in, stringr::fixed("^"), "")


#' returns a morale phrase (used in cli messages)
#' @noRd
get_morale_boost <- function() {

  my_user <- Sys.getenv("USER")

  morale_boost <- c(
      "All OK!",
      "Time for some tea?",
      "Got it!", "Nice!", "Good stuff!",
      "Looking good!", "Good job {my_user}!",
      "Well done {my_user}!",
      "You got it {my_user}!", "Youre doing good!"
    ), 10),
    "Boa!", "Mas bah tche, que coisa linda!",
    "Parabens {my_user}, tudo certo!",
    "Mais contente que cusco de cozinheira!",
    "Feliz que nem lambari de sanga!",
    "Mais faceiro que guri de bombacha nova!"

  return(stringr::str_glue(sample(morale_boost, 1)))

#' Converts string date to unix date (used in yf query)
#' @noRd
date_to_unix <- function(date_in) {
  out <- as.numeric(
                       origin = "1970-01-01"

#' Converses unix date to string date
#' @noRd
unix_to_date <- function(unix_date_in) {

  out <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(unix_date_in, origin="1970-01-01"))


#' Function to calculate returns from a price and ticker vector
#' @noRd
calc_ret <- function(P,
                     tickers = rep("ticker", length(P)),
                     type_return = "arit") {
  my_length <- length(P)

  if (my_length == 1) {

  ret <- switch(type_return,
                "arit" = P / dplyr::lag(P) - 1,
                "log" = log(P / dplyr::lag(P))

  idx <- (tickers != dplyr::lag(tickers))
  ret[idx] <- NA


#' Function to calculate accumulated returns from a price and ticker vector
#' @noRd
calc_cum_ret <- function(ret,
                         tickers = rep("ticker", length(ret)),
                         type_return = "arit") {

  # replace all NAs by 0
  idx <- is.na(ret)
  ret[idx] <- 0

  l_ret <- split(ret, tickers)

  calc_cum <- function(x, type_return) {
    this_cum_ret <- switch(type_return,
                           "arit" = cumprod(1 + x),
                           "log" = 1 + cumsum(x))


  l_cum_ret <- purrr::map(l_ret,
                          type_return = type_return)

  cum_ret <- do.call(c, l_cum_ret)

  names(cum_ret) <- NULL


# 20220328 - removed startup message due to ropensci practices
# https://devguide.ropensci.org/building.html

# .onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
#   do_color <- crayon::make_style("#FF4141")
#   this_pkg <- "yfR"
#   if (interactive()) {
#     msg <- paste0(
#       "\nWant to learn more about ",
#       do_color(this_pkg), " (formerly BatchGetSymbols) and other R packages",
#       "for Finance and Economics?",
#       " Check out my book at ", do_color("https://www.msperlin.com/afedR/")
#     )
#   } else {
#     msg <- ""
#   }
#   packageStartupMessage(msg)
# }

#' Function for building cli messages
#' @noRd
set_cli_msg <- function(msg_in, level = 0) {
  tab_in <- paste0(rep("\t", level), collapse = "")

  if (level == 1) {
    tab_in <- paste0(tab_in, "- ")

  msg_in <- paste0(tab_in, msg_in)

#' Fixes ticker manually
#' This function will be used as a dictionary to fix wrong tickers from index compositions
#' @param df_index
#' @return Another dataframe
#' @noRd
substitute_tickers <- function(df_index) {

  df_fix <- dplyr::tibble(
    old = c("BF.B"),
    new = c("BF-B")

  idx <- match(df_fix$old, df_index$ticker)

  df_index$ticker[idx] <- df_fix$new


#' Tests for an internet connection
#' Tests for internet connect in every R session. If already tested, just skip it and saves time.
#' @noRd
check_internet <- function() {
  f_flag <- paste0(
    tempdir(), "/",

  if (file.exists(f_flag)) {

    flag <- TRUE

  } else {

    flag <- pingr::is_online()

    if (!flag) {
      stop("Can't find an active internet connection...")
    } else {
      readr::write_lines("internet ok", f_flag)


msperlin/yf documentation built on July 2, 2024, 5:12 a.m.