
#' Corr2Cons function 
#' This function all clustering instances and converts to consensus clustering matrices
#' @param InstanceList List of all clusterings 

Corr2Cons <- function(InstanceList){
  l <- length(InstanceList)

  n <- length(InstanceList[[1]])
  W <- matrix(0,n,n)
  for (i in 1:l){
    W <- W + Cluster2Adj(InstanceList[[i]])
  l2 <- list()
  l2$Wp <- W/l 
  l2$Wn <- 1 - W/l
  G <- list()
  l2$G$V <- c(1:n)
  M <- matrix(1,n,n)
  l2$G$Ep <- (l2$Wp>=l2$Wn)
  l2$G$Em <- (l2$Wp<l2$Wn)
  l2$G$Ep[l2$G$Ep] = 1
  l2$G$Em[l2$G$Em] = 1
mukhes3/AggregationMethods documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:02 p.m.