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#' Internal function \code{call_sr}
#' This function is internally used to solve the PCST.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param from  A \code{CharacterVector} that corresponds to \code{head} nodes of the edges.
#' @param to A \code{CharacterVector} that corresponds the \code{tail} nodes of the edges.
#' @param cost A \code{NumericVector} which represents the edge weights.
#' @param node_names A \code{CharacterVector} demonstrates the names of the nodes.
#' @param node_prizes A \code{NumericVector} which corresponds to the node prizes.
#' @author Murodzhon Akhmedov
call_sr <- function(from, to, cost, node_names, node_prizes) {
    .Call('PCSF_call_sr', PACKAGE = 'PCSF', from, to, cost, node_names, node_prizes)
murodzhon/PCSF documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:35 a.m.