Man pages for muschellij2/msseg
Segmentation of Lesions for Multiple Sclerosis

all_existsAll Files exist
auc_paucGet the AUC and pAUC for a prediction
colScaleColumn Centering and Scaling
cutoffCutoff for random forest model
diceCalculate Dice Coefficient
get_max_diceGet the Maximum Dice Coefficient and Cutoff
make_dfMake Data.frame of images
make_processed_filenamesMake Processed Filenames
malf_tissue_segMALF tissue Segmentation
msseg_pipelineMSSeg Pipeline
png_converterConvert set of PNGs to PDF
process_imagesProcess Images for MSSeg
reapply_malf_tissue_segMALF tissue Segmentation without Re-registration
rf_model_1Random forest model 1
rf_model_10Random forest model
rf_model_2Random forest model 2
rf_model_3Random forest model
rf_model_4Random forest model
rf_model_5Random forest model
rf_model_6Random forest model
rf_model_7Random forest model
rf_model_8Random forest model
rf_model_9Random forest model
rowScaleRow Centering and Scaling
strip_modelStrip Model to Reduce Memory Footprint
trim_mean_sdTrimmed Mean and Standard Deviation
trimmed_ratioTrimmed Ratio Image
trimmed_zTrimmed Z-score Image
unstrip_imageReplace Dropped Dimensions from Stripping
z_imagesStandardized to Template Images SyN
z_images_drammsStandardized to Template Images DRAMMS
muschellij2/msseg documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:53 a.m.