
Defines functions neuroc_appveyor_template_path neuroc_travis_template_path neuroc_ci_template_path

Documented in neuroc_appveyor_template_path neuroc_ci_template_path neuroc_travis_template_path

#' Neuroconductor CI Template Paths
#' @param ci Which continuous integration system
#' @param ants Does the package depend on ANTs or ANTsR
#' @param user GitHub username for repos
#' @param dev Development Site vs. not?
#' @param deployment indicator if this is a release, not standard running.
#' Just deployment.
#' @param ... not used
#' @return File path of YAML file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' neuroc_ci_template_path()
#' neuroc_ci_template_path(ci = "autoci")
#' neuroc_appveyor_template_path()
#' neuroc_ci_template_path(ants = TRUE)
#' neuroc_travis_template_path()
#' neuroc_travis_template_path(ants = TRUE)
#' neuroc_appveyor_template_path()
#' neuroc_appveyor_template_path(ants = TRUE)
neuroc_ci_template_path = function(
  ci = c("travis", "appveyor", "travis_pkgdown", "autoci", "tic", "autoci_pkgdown"),
  ants = FALSE,
  dev = FALSE,
  user = NULL,
  deployment = FALSE,
  ...) {
  ci = match.arg(ci)

  if (ci == "autoci") {
    file = "autoci.yml"
    file = system.file(file, package = "neuroc.deps", mustWork = TRUE)
  if (ci == "autoci_pkgdown") {
    file = "autoci_pkgdown.yml"
    file = system.file(file, package = "neuroc.deps", mustWork = TRUE)
  if (ci == "tic") {
    file = "tic.R"
    file = system.file(file, package = "neuroc.deps", mustWork = TRUE)
  user = neuroc_user(user = user, dev = dev, deployment = deployment)
  user = switch(user,
                "neuroconductor" = "neuroconductor",
                "neuroconductor-devel" = "neuroconductor",
                "neuroconductor-releases" = "neuroconductor",
                "neuroconductor-devel-releases" = "neuroconductor",
                "oslerinhealth" = "oslerinhealth",
                "oslerinhealth-releases" = "oslerinhealth"

  if (ci == "github") {
    file = paste0(user, "_", "github.yml")
    file = system.file(file, package = "neuroc.deps", mustWork = TRUE)
  if ((user == "neuroconductor" || user == "oslerinhealth") & ci == "travis_pkgdown") {
    ants = TRUE
  file = paste0(user, "_", ci, ifelse(ants, "_ants", ""), ".yml")
  file = system.file(file, package = "neuroc.deps", mustWork = TRUE)


#' @rdname neuroc_ci_template_path
#' @export
neuroc_travis_template_path = function(...){
  neuroc_ci_template_path(ci = "travis", ...)

#' @rdname neuroc_ci_template_path
#' @export
neuroc_appveyor_template_path = function(...){
  neuroc_ci_template_path(ci = "appveyor", ...)
muschellij2/neuroc.deps documentation built on May 23, 2021, 12:21 a.m.