
covogk <-
# Compute robust (weighted) covariance matrix in Maronna and Zamar
# (2002, Technometrics, eq. 7).
# x is an n by p matrix
# n.iter number of iterations. 1 seems to be best
# sigmamu is any user supplied function having the form
#   sigmamu(x,mu.too=F) and which computes a robust measure of
#   of dispersion if mu.too=F. If mu.too=T, it returns
#   a robust measure of location as well.
# v is any robust covariance
if(!is.matrix(x))stop("x should be a matrix")
x<-elimna(x)  # remove any rows with missing data
musto101/wilcox_R documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:52 a.m.