
Defines functions ais2segments urls2df

Documented in ais2segments urls2df

# AIS URL Reader function ----

#' Read AIS text files into data.frame from URL 
#' @param path URL path to AIS text file.
#' @return df data.frame of AIS data. 
#' @importFrom lubridate now 
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter mutate

#' @details based on AIS_SBARC_*.txt with possibility for alternate file formats and filtering for class A position reports, ie Message ID 1,2,3 per https://www.navcen.uscg.gov/?pageName=AISMessages. 
#' Must provide a url path which leads to an AIS.txt file. AIS data in .txt file must be formatted similarly to those on https://ais.sbarc.org/logs_delimited/
#' If URL is empty, urls2df() will return a dataframe with 2 observations of 10 variables, but it is essentially to show when there's data gaps from AIS provider.
#' @examples
#'  df = urls2df("https://ais.sbarc.org/logs_delimited/2019/190101/AIS_SBARC_190101-00.txt")
#' Empty file returns small dummy dataframe with date, filename,and system time
#' df_empty_url = urls2df("https://ais.sbarc.org/logs_delimited/2019/191217/AIS_SBARC_191217-00.txt")
#' @export
urls2df <- function(path = NULL){
    if (check_url_file_size(path)==0) {
      df = data.frame(
        "datetime" = as.POSIXct(date.from_filename(path)), 
        "name" = c("missing_ais_file","missing_ais_file"), 
        "ship_type" = as.integer(c(0,0)), 
        "mmsi" = as.numeric(c(00,00)), 
        "speed" = as.numeric(c(0,0)), 
        "lon" = as.numeric(c(0,0)), 
        "lat" = as.numeric(c(0,0)), 
        "heading" = as.numeric(c(0,0)), 
        "url" = (path), 
        "date_modified" = now(tzone = "America/Los_Angeles"))
  else {
    raw <- read.csv(path, stringsAsFactors = F, sep = ";", header = FALSE, quote = "")
  # clean and parse the df
  df <- filter(raw, V6 %in% 1:3) %>%
        mutate(datetime = date.build(ymd = date.from_filename(path), ts = date.as_frac(V1))) %>%
        select(datetime, name = 2, ship_type = 3, mmsi = 8, speed = 11, lon = 13, lat = 14, heading = 16)
  df <- df %>%
        mutate(url = path,
               date_modified = now(tzone = "America/Los_Angeles"))

  #set specific columns as numeric
  cols.num = c("mmsi","speed","lon","lat","heading")
  df[cols.num] = sapply(df[cols.num], as.numeric)

  # filter lon and lat within reasonable area on interest
  df <- df %>%
    filter(lon >= -124, lon <= -114) %>%
    filter(lat >= 31.0, lat <= 36)

# Spatial Reader function ----

#' Read ais.txt data from URL path and return spatial data.frame 
#' @param data AIS dataframe from urls2df function
#' @return sf data.frame with segments/linestrings with distance (km), calculated speed, and reported speed
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange select mutate filter group_by
#' @importFrom purrr map map2 map_dbl
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf
#' @importFrom tidyr nest
#' @importFrom lubridate round_date
#' @examples
#' create segments from dataframe (data=df)
#'  segs=ais2segments(data = df)
#' Empty files returns empty df with date, filename, and timestamp and empty dataframes returns NULL
#' segs_empty = ais2segments(data = df_empty_url)
#' @export
ais2segments <- function(data=NULL){

  if (data$name == 'missing_ais_file' || length(data)==0){
    d <- tryCatch({ 
      error=function(cond) {
        message(paste("Data does not seem to exist:"))
        message("Here's the original error message:")
      warning=function(cond) {
        message(paste("Data caused a warning:"))
        message("Here's the original warning message:")
    d <- tryCatch({
      d %>%
      arrange(datetime) %>%
      #filter(!duplicated(round_date(datetime, unit="minute"))) %>%
      st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs=4326, remove = F) %>%
        speed     = lag(speed),
        beg_dt    = lag(datetime),
        end_dt    = datetime,
        beg_lon   = lag(lon),
        beg_lat   = lag(lat),
        end_lon   = lon,
        end_lat   = lat,
        seg       = map2(lag(geometry), geometry, get_segment),
        seg_mins  = (datetime - lag(datetime)) %>% as.double(units = "mins"),
        seg_km    = map_dbl(seg, get_length_km),
        seg_kmhr  = seg_km / (seg_mins / 60),
        seg_knots = seg_kmhr * 0.539957,
        seg_new   = if_else(is.na(seg_mins) | seg_mins > 60, 1, 0),
        speed_diff    = seg_knots - speed,
        seg_lt10_rep  = if_else(speed <= 10, TRUE, FALSE),
        seg_lt10_calc = if_else(seg_knots <= 10, TRUE, FALSE)) %>% 
    error=function(cond) {
      message(paste("Data does not seem to exist:"))
      message("Here's the original error message:")
    warning=function(cond) {
      message(paste("Data caused a warning:"))
      message("Here's the original warning message:")
  else {
  d <- data

  d <- d %>%
    arrange(name, datetime) %>%
    # collapse data by ship name
    group_by(name) %>%

  # convert to points and add segment fields to the data list column
  d2pts2lns <- function(df){
    df %>%
      # sort by datetime
      arrange(datetime) %>%
      # FILTER to only one point per MINUTE to reduce weird speeds,
      # TODO: check that does not FILTER A LOT OF SHIP NAMES
      filter(!duplicated(round_date(datetime, unit="minute"))) %>%
      # convert to sf points tibble
      st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs=4326, remove = F) %>%
        speed     = lag(speed),
        beg_dt    = lag(datetime),
        end_dt    = datetime,
        beg_lon   = lag(lon),
        beg_lat   = lag(lat),
        end_lon   = lon,
        end_lat   = lat,
        seg       = map2(lag(geometry), geometry, get_segment),
        seg_mins  = (datetime - lag(datetime)) %>% as.double(units = "mins"),
        seg_km    = map_dbl(seg, get_length_km),
        seg_kmhr  = seg_km / (seg_mins / 60),
        seg_knots = seg_kmhr * 0.539957,
        seg_new   = if_else(is.na(seg_mins) | seg_mins > 60, 1, 0),
        speed_diff    = seg_knots - speed,
        seg_lt10_rep  = if_else(speed <= 10, TRUE, FALSE),
        seg_lt10_calc = if_else(seg_knots <= 10, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
      filter(seg_km <=60, seg_mins >=0, speed >0) %>%
      filter(seg_new == 0) %>%
      # construct lines
        geometry = map(seg, 1) %>% st_as_sfc(crs=4326)) %>%
      st_set_geometry("geometry") %>%
      # add year
        year = format(as.Date(datetime, format="%Y/%m/%d"),"%Y")) %>%

  d <- d %>%
    data = mclapply(data, d2pts2lns, mc.cores = detectCores()))

  # combine ship name with data and bind across tibbles
  d <- d %>%
    # filter ships without lines
    # TODO: investigate why some nrow == 0, eg INDEPENDENCE (row 9) in example path
      nrow = map_int(data, nrow)) %>%
    filter(nrow > 0) %>%
    select(-nrow) %>%
    # combine ship name with rest of data
      data = map2(
        name, data,
        function(x, y)
          add_column(y, name = x, .before = 1))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%

  d <- st_as_sf(data.table::rbindlist(d$data))

mvisalli/shipr documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 8:38 p.m.