API for mwsill/c060
Extended Inference for Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Cox and Generalized Linear Models

Global functions
PLL.coxnet Man page Source code
Plot.coef.glmnet Man page Source code
Plot.peperr.curves Man page Source code
aggregation.auc Man page
auc Source code
balancedFolds Man page Source code
coef.sum.intsearch Man page Source code
complexity.glmnet Man page
epsgo Man page Source code
fit.glmnet Man page
glmnet.subset Source code
plot.stabpath Man page Source code
plot.sum.intsearch Man page Source code
plotCoef Source code
predictProb.coxnet Man page
predictProb.glmnet Man page
print.stabpath Source code
stabpath Man page Source code
stabsel Man page Source code
summary.intsearch Man page Source code
tune.glmnet.interval Man page Source code
mwsill/c060 documentation built on Nov. 26, 2019, 12:14 a.m.