
# ************************************
# LTBI screening
# N Green
# 2017
# create survival analysis arrays
# just use one imputation sample
# different functions/packages require different formats


# create final state vectors full sample
event <- rep(0, nrow(IMPUTED_sample))                          #event-free i.e. censored at followup
event[IMPUTED_sample$death1] <- 3
event[IMPUTED_sample$exit_uk1] <- 2
# event[IMPUTED_sample$uk_tb_orig == "1"] <- 1
event[as.logical(IMPUTED_sample$uk_tb)] <- 1

# naive case
# assume a.s. all LTBI -> active TB
# i.e. non active TB event censoring times

# cens times         times_years
# 0    495.0000 days 1.3552361 days
# 0    844.1504 days 2.3111578 days
# 0    439.7598 days 1.2039966 days

cens <- event
cens[cens != 1] <- 0

times <- IMPUTED_sample$fup_issdt_days
times_years <- ceiling(IMPUTED_sample$fup_issdt)

dat_surv_naive <-
  data.frame(cens = cens,
             times = times,
             times_years = times_years) #%>%
  # dplyr::filter(IMPUTED_sample$LTBI)

# impute progression time after follow-up in uk
# from exponential distn

n.LTBI <- sum(IMPUTED_sample$LTBI)
imputed_uk_tb_excess <- rexp(n = n.LTBI, rate = 1e-5)  #days

dat_surv_etm_imputed_uk_tb <-
  IMPUTED_sample %>%
  dplyr::filter(LTBI) %>%
    # imputed_uk_tb_times = fup1_issdt + imputed_uk_tb_excess,
    imputed_uk_tb_times = fup_issdt + imputed_uk_tb_excess,
    date_death1_issdt = date_death1_issdt,
    min_uk_tb_death_impute = pmin(imputed_uk_tb_times,
    # time_days = ifelse(cens1 == TRUE, min_uk_tb_death_impute, fup1_issdt),
    time_days = ifelse(cens1 == TRUE, min_uk_tb_death_impute, fup_issdt),
    time = days_to_years(time_days),
    to = ifelse(death1 == TRUE, 3,
                ifelse(exit_uk1 == TRUE, 2,
                       ifelse(uk_tb_orig == "1", 1,
                              ifelse(imputed_uk_tb_times <= date_death1_issdt, 1, 3)))),
    cens = ifelse(to == 1, 1, 0),
    from = 9,
    id = rownames(.))

# etm:: format
# id from to time_days time
# 4   9   2  1436.080    4
# 14  9   0  1961.000    6

data_etm <-
  data.frame(id = seq_len(nrow(IMPUTED_sample)),
             from = 9,
             to = event,
             time_days = fup_issdt[ ,"fup1_issdt"],
             time = days_to_years(fup_issdt[ ,"fup1_issdt"]),
             LTBI = IMPUTED_sample$LTBI) %>%
                time > 0) %>%

data_etm_cens_exituk <-
  data_etm %>%
  mutate(to = ifelse(to == 2, 0, to))

# flexsurv:: format
# fup1_issdt fup1_issdt_year age_at_entry event3 event2 event1
# 1436.080               4           18      0      1      0
# 1961.000               6           18      0      0      0

dat_surv <-
  IMPUTED_sample %>%
  transmute(time_days = fup_issdt_days,
            time = fup_issdt,
            age_at_entry = age_at_entry,
            event3 = as.numeric(event == 3), #death
            event2 = as.numeric(event == 2), #exit_uk
            event1 = as.numeric(event == 1), #uk_tb
            LTBI = LTBI) %>%
  dplyr::filter(LTBI) %>%

# fup1_issdt fup1_issdt_year age_at_entry id         from     to status trans
# 1436.08               4           18     1 disease-free event3      0     3
# 1436.08               4           18     1 disease-free event2      1     2

dat_surv_long <-
  dat_surv %>%
  mutate(id = rownames(dat_surv),
         from = "disease-free") %>%
  reshape2::melt(measure.vars = c("event3", "event2", "event1")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(to = variable,
                status = value) %>%
  mutate(trans = as.factor(delete_text(pattern = "event",
                                       x = to))) %>%

dat_surv_long_cens_exit_uk <-
  dat_surv_long %>%
  dplyr::filter(to != "exit_uk1")

## use imputed exit_uk & death times after followup

#   id death1 exit_uk1 uk_tb_orig date_death1_issdt date_exit_uk1_issdt fup_limit_issdt fup1_issdt tb_issdt
# 1  1      0        1          0     14407.55 days       1436.080 days       2036 days   1436.080     2036
# 2  2      0        0          0     25126.57 days      36525.000 days       1961 days   1961.000     1961

dat_surv_impute <-
  IMPUTED_sample %>%
  dplyr::filter(LTBI) %>%
  transmute(id = rownames(.),
            death1 = as.numeric(death1),
            exit_uk1 = as.numeric(exit_uk1),
            uk_tb_orig = uk_tb_orig,
            date_death1_issdt = date_death1_issdt,
            date_exit_uk1_issdt = date_exit_uk1_issdt,
            fup_limit_issdt = fup_limit_issdt,
            tb_issdt = fup1_issdt)

#  melt times and status separately then combine array

times_temp <-
  dat_surv_impute %>% = c("date_death1_issdt",
                             id.vars = c("id")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(to = variable,
                time = value) %>%

status_temp <-
  dat_surv_impute %>% = c("death1",
                             id.vars = c("id")) %>%
  dplyr::rename(to = variable,
                status = value) %>%
  mutate(from = "disease-free",
         trans = as.factor(ifelse(to == "death1", 3,
                                  ifelse(to == "exit_uk1", 2, 1)))) %>%

# id     time status         from     to trans
#  1 14407.55      0 disease-free death1     3
#  2 25126.57      0 disease-free death1     3

dat_surv_impute_long <- data.frame(times_temp[ ,c("id", "time")],
                                   status_temp[ ,c("status", "from", "to", "trans")])

dat_surv_impute_long_cens_exituk <-
  dat_surv_impute_long %>%
  dplyr::filter(to != "exit_uk1")
n8thangreen/LTBIscreeningproject documentation built on May 23, 2019, 12:01 p.m.