
#' @title Gather Data
#' @description \code{gather_data} is written to work with functions from 
#' the \pkg{revealedPrefs} package.
#' \code{\link[revealedPrefs]{checkWarp}} and similar "check" functions
#' take as input two \code{n} by \code{i} matrices, one for goods and one for prices. 
#' \code{gather_data} takes a list with two matrices and returns a dataframe.
#' @param matrix_list a list containg two matrices:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{x}{a matrix containing quantities}
#'   \item{p}{a matrix containing prices}
#' } 
#' @return a dataframe where the rows represent an individual's choice and the columns
#' represent the quantities and prices of a good
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stringr
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' simGarp(2,4) %>%
#' gather_data()

gather_data <- function(matrix_list){
  if(!is.list(matrix_list) | is.data.frame(matrix_list))
  {stop("matrix_list must be a list object containing x, a matrix of quantities
        and p, a matrix of prices")}
  if(is.null(matrix_list$x) | is.null(matrix_list$p))
  {stop("matrix_list must be a list object containing x, a matrix of quantities
        and p, a matrix of prices")}
  quantities <- 
    matrix_list$x %>%

  prices <-
    matrix_list$p %>%

  # if no column names, rename quantity and price columns
  if(is.null(colnames(matrix_list$x)) & is.null(colnames(matrix_list$p))) {
    quantities <- rename_all(quantities, funs(str_replace_all(., "V", "x"))) 
    prices <- rename_all(prices, funs(str_replace_all(., "V", "p"))) 

    as_tibble(cbind(quantities, prices))
    # %>% mutate(observation = 1:dim(prices)[1])
naecker-lab/revealedPrefsExtra documentation built on June 14, 2019, 7:07 p.m.