
Defines functions mybin

Documented in mybin

#' mybin
#' Generates samples with a binomial distribution given number of samples, number of iterations,
#' and a probability
#' @param iter number of samples to generate
#' @param n number of trials
#' @param p probability of success
#' @return a table representing the observed number of successes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mybin(iter=100,n=10,p=0.7)
#' mybin(iter=200,n=10,p=0.7)
#' mybin(iter=500,n=10,p=0.7)
#' mybin(iter=1000,n=10,p=0.7)
#' mybin(iter=10000,n=10,p=0.7)
  # make a matrix to hold the samples
  #initially filled with NA's
  sam.mat=matrix(NA,nrow=n,ncol=iter, byrow=TRUE)

  #Make a vector to hold the number of successes in each trial
  for( i in 1:iter)
    #Fill each column with a new sample
    sam.mat[,i]=sample(c(1,0),n,replace=TRUE, prob=c(p,1-p))

    #Calculate a statistic from the sample (this case it is the sum)
  #Make a table of successes

  #Make a barplot of the proportions
  barplot(succ.tab/(iter), col=rainbow(n+1), main="Binomial simulation", xlab="Number of successes")
nafryer97/MATH4753PROJ1 documentation built on Feb. 23, 2020, 7:49 a.m.