
Defines functions pkg.config

Documented in pkg.config

#' #Get API parameters
#' #Returns a nested list of high-level parameters required for making the API and authentication calls.
#' @return list A list of API and authentication parameters
pkg.config = function(){


            user = list(
                display_messages          = TRUE,
                is.deployed               = FALSE,
                is.mode_test              = FALSE,
                manage_credentials        = TRUE,
                return_type               = 'R',
                credential_store          = 'vault',
                path.credential_store     = '~/.secrets/R/NAMCr/',
                path.credential_store_key = '~/.secrets/R/NAMCr/'
            data = list(
                default_json_fieldName    = "metadata"
            api = list(
                URL                   = 'https://6dsntufqt9.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/production/api',
                pagination_limit      = 100,
                top_level_key         = 'data',
                top_level_key_error   = 'errors',
                tpl_pagination_first  = 'limit',
                tpl_pagination_offset = 'offset',
                tpl_pagination_cursor = 'nextOffset',
                required_kind         = 'NON_NULL'
            schema = list(
                tpl_pagination_first  = 'limit',
                tpl_pagination_offset = 'offset',
                tpl_pagination_cursor = 'nextOffset',
                tpl_page_fieldname    = 'records',
                required_kind         = 'NON_NULL',
                singular_kind         = 'SCALAR',
                array_kind            = 'LIST'
            auth = list(
                oAuth2_appname     = 'NAMCr',
                protocol           = 'https://',
                redirect_URL       = 'http://localhost:1410/',
                authorize_path     = 'authorize',
                access_path        = 'token',
                userpool_path      = 'userInfo',
                base_path          = 'oauth2',
                base_URL           = '',
                clientId           = '',
                scope              = c('openid','email'),
                auto_token_refresh = TRUE,
                cache_dir          = '~/.secrets/R/NAMCr/.httr-oauth'
namc-utah/NAMCr documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 4:29 a.m.