
Defines functions buildRadialSetsPlot

Documented in buildRadialSetsPlot

#' Build radial sets plot
#' @inheritParams getRadialSetsData
#' @param sectorLabelFontSize font size of sector labels
#' @param axisLabelFontSize font size of axis labels
#' @param facing direction of sector labels
#' @param axisLabels logical indicating if axis labels are show
#' @param legendTitle logical indicating if legend should have title
#' @param showLegend logical indicating if legend should be shown
#' @param sectorLineWidth line width of sector border
#' @param majorTick logical indicating if tick marks are shown
#' @param bezierW w parameter for link curves
#' @param bezierHRatio height ratio for link curves
#' @param sectorColor color of sectors
#' @param barColor color of bars
#' @param sectorFontCol Font color of sector text
#' @param labelSectors Add track of sector labels
#' @import circlize
#' @export
buildRadialSetsPlot <- function(setSizes,
                                setOrder = NULL,
                                linkThickness = "prop",
                                linkColor = "prop.relError",
                                linkColorPal = "RdBu",
                                reverseLinkPal = FALSE,
                                focusSets = "none",
                                countScale = 1,
                                colorScaleLim = c(-1, 1),
                                colorScaleMapFun = "squish",
                                edgeScaleLim = c(-Inf, Inf),
                                edgeScaleMapFun = "censor",
                                edgeWidthRange = c(1, 8),
                                dropSets = FALSE,
                                sectorLabelFontSize = 1,
                                axisLabelFontSize = 1,
                                facing = "clockwise",
                                axisLabels = FALSE,
                                legendTitle = NULL,
                                showLegend = FALSE,
                                sectorLineWidth = 1,
                                majorTick = FALSE,
                                bezierW = 1,
                                bezierHRatio = 0.75,
                                sectorColor = "white",
                                barColor = "darkgrey",
                                sectorFontCol = "black",
                                labelSectors = TRUE) {

  # Prepare plot data
  radialSetsData <- getRadialSetsData(setSizes,
                                setOrder = setOrder,
                                linkColor = linkColor,
                                linkColorPal = linkColorPal,
                                linkThickness = linkThickness,
                                focusSets = focusSets,
                                countScale = countScale,
                                reverseLinkPal = reverseLinkPal,
                                colorScaleLim = colorScaleLim,
                                colorScaleMapFun = colorScaleMapFun,
                                edgeScaleLim = edgeScaleLim,
                                edgeScaleMapFun = edgeScaleMapFun,
                                edgeWidthRange = edgeWidthRange,
                                dropSets = dropSets)

  # Unpack data
  edgeWidthMap <- radialSetsData$edgeWidthMap
  sets <- radialSetsData$sets
  nSets <- radialSetsData$nSets
  maxDegree <- radialSetsData$maxDegree
  degreeMat <- radialSetsData$degreeMat
  setSizesVec <- radialSetsData$setSizesVec
  maxWidth <- radialSetsData$maxWidth
  edgeColorMap <- radialSetsData$edgeColorMap

  # Define color pallette
  if (length(barColor) == 1) {
    barColor <- rep(barColor, nSets)

  par(mar = rep(0, 4))

  # Initialize circos with 2 tracks
  circlize::circos.par(cell.padding = c(0.02, 0, 0.02, 0))

  # Track 1 - Sector labels
                              xlim = c(0, 1),
                              sector.width = setSizesVec)

  # Track 2 - Histograms
  xlim <- matrix(c(rep(0, nSets), setSizesVec),
                 nrow = nSets,
                 ncol = 2)
  circlize::circos.initialize(sets, xlim = xlim, sector.width = setSizesVec)

  # Plot track of sector names
  trackInd <- 0
  if(labelSectors) {
    trackInd <- trackInd + 1
      track.index = trackInd,
      bg.border = NA,
      ylim = c(0, 1),
      track.height = 0.3,
      panel.fun = function(x, y) {
        sector.index <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")
        xlim <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("xlim")
        rlim <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("ylim")
          xlim[2] / 2,
          adj = c(0, 0.5),
          col = sectorFontCol,
          facing = facing,
          niceFacing = TRUE,
          cex = sectorLabelFontSize

  # Plot track with bars for sum by degree (histograms)
  trackInd <- trackInd + 1
    track.index = trackInd,
    ylim = c(0, maxDegree),
    track.height = 0.2,
    bg.lwd = sectorLineWidth,
    bg.col = sectorColor,
    panel.fun = function(x, y) {
      sector.index <- circlize::get.cell.meta.data("sector.index")

      # Create axis
      circlize::circos.axis(labels.cex = axisLabelFontSize,
                            major.tick = majorTick,
                            labels = axisLabels)

      # Index for current sector
      i <- which(sets == sector.index)

      # Color for current sector
      sectorColor <- barColor[i]

      # Loop over bars for each degree
      y1 <- maxDegree
      for (j in c(1:maxDegree)) {

        # Length of bar divided by two
        dx <- degreeMat[i, j] / 2

        # Zero postion to center bar
        zero <- setSizesVec[i] / 2

        # Vector of x coordinates
        x1 <- seq(zero - dx, zero + dx, (2 * dx) / 1)

        # Vector of x coordinates out and back
        d1 <- c(x1, rev(x1))

        # Repeated y coordinates
        d2 <- c(rep(y1, length(x1)),
               rep(y1 - 1, length(x1)))

        # Draw bars of non-zero length
        if (dx != 0) {
          circlize::circos.polygon(d1, d2, col = sectorColor, border = "black")
        y1 <- y1 - 1

  # Draw links between sectors
  for (i in c(1:nSets)) {
    for (j in c(1:nSets)) {
      if (!is.na(edgeWidthMap[i, j])) {

        if (edgeWidthMap[i, j] != 0) {
          # Draw links
            setSizesVec[i] / 2,
            setSizesVec[j] / 2,
            lwd = edgeWidthMap[i, j],
            col = edgeColorMap[i, j],
            w = bezierW,
            h.ratio = bezierHRatio


  # if (linkThickness == "percent") {
  #   legendText <- paste0(seq(1, 0.25, -0.25) * maxWidth, "%")
  # } else {
  #   legendText <- paste0(seq(1, 0.25, -0.25) * maxWidth * (1 / countScale))
  # }
  # # Lengend showing link thickness
  # if (showLegend){
  # legend(
  #   "topleft",
  #   inset = 0.05,
  #   cex = sectorLabelFontSize,
  #   title = legendTitle,
  #   lwd = maxLinkThickness * seq(1, 0.25, -0.25),
  #   col = linkColor,
  #   legend = legendText,
  #   bty = "n"
  # )
  # }
natbprice/radsets documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 5:21 p.m.