Man pages for navinlabcode/copykat
COPYKAT: Inference of genomic copy number and subclonal structure of human tumors from high-throughput single cell RNA-seq data

annotateGenes.hg20annotate genes with reference to hg38.
annotateGenes.mm10annotate genes with reference to hg38.
baseline.GMMpre-define a group of normal cells with GMM.
baseline.norm.clfind a cluster of diploid cells with integrative clustering...
CNA.MCMCMCMC segmentation.
convert.all.bins.hg20conver gene by cell matrix to genomic bins by cells matrix.
copykatcopycat main_func.
exp.rawdataraw UMI count matrix.
heatmap.3heatmap3 function.
navinlabcode/copykat documentation built on June 29, 2024, 2:31 a.m.