copykit devel

copykit 0.1.3

Bug Fixes Fixed gamma segmentation argument not being used when applying multipcf segmentation #94 Fixed 'smoothed_bincounts' check #97. Thanks @Puriney

Fixed installation of multipcf after Bioconductor {{copynumber}} package deprecation.

copykit 0.1.2

New features New cell smoothing method with the function knnSmooth(). Uses k-nearest neighbors to smooth cells profiles and re-segments the datasets obtaining cleaner copy number profiles, with reduced overdispersion and improving downstream analysis. (Thanks to Runmin Wei for the helpful discussion.) scquantum method is available for calcInteger() and is now a CopyKit import (scquantum is a single cell ploidy estimation tool developed by Alexander Davis) calcInteger() now accepts option methdo = 'metadata'. To use this option the user can add custom values of ploidy to every cell in the colData column 'ploidy' and run calcInteger(ck, method = 'metadata') to obtain the integer matrix on the CopyKit object. runVst allows selection of the assay for the transformation

Changes * plotHeatmap() order_cells argument now defaults to NULL. NULL option respects the order of the CopyKit object. order_cells argument can be set to 'consensus_tree' and 'hclust'.

Removed * option 'phylogeny' from function argument `plotHeatmap()' 'order_cells' has been removed.

Bug Fixes Fixed error in plotGeneCopy not returning plots with geom violin and barplot. (Thanks to @Romeo1-1) Fixed error in plotGeneCopy with duplicated sample names on a merged object. Now it warns the user of merged sample names. (Thanks to @Romeo1-1) * Allowing control of parameter merge_levels_alpha on runVarbin() and runSegmentation() to control the significance level of merge levels when merging not significant segments.

copykit 0.1.1

copykit 0.1.0






navinlabcode/copykit documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 2:55 p.m.