
Defines functions grib_cube

Documented in grib_cube

#' Create 3D volume of a GRIB variable
#' \code{grib_cube} creates a three-dimensional array from one variable along a
#' chosen vertical coordinate.
#' \code{grib_cube} is a wrapper function for \code{grib_select} to conveniently
#' create a three-dimensional cube. The user inputs a variable to search for and
#' the vertical coordinate to use when finding each level.
#' Because \code{grib_cube} uses \code{grib_select}, speed can become an issue.
#' This is meant as a convenience to "get the job done". If you want more speed,
#' it will always be better to know which message number you want, set up your
#' own loop, and use \code{grib_get_message} as that will avoid the overhead of
#' searching through the GRIB file.
#' @param gribObj \code{GRIB} class object.
#' @param shortName The short name given in the GRIB file of the variable to
#'   select.
#' @param typeOfLevel The vertical coordinate to use as given by the typeOfLevel
#'   key in the GRIB file.
#' @param decreasing Parameter to tell the array's vertical coordinate to be
#'   increasing or decreasing.
#' @return Returns a three-dimenional array.
#' @seealso \code{\link{grib_get_message}} \code{\link{grib_list}}
#'   \code{\link{grib_expand_grids}} \code{\link{grib_latlons}}
#'   \code{\link{grib_select}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' g <- grib_open(system.file("extdata", "lfpw.grib1", package = "gribr"))
#' cube <- grib_cube(g, 'u', 'isobaricInhPa', TRUE)
#' grib_close(g)

grib_cube <- function(gribObj, shortName, typeOfLevel, decreasing = FALSE) {

  cubeSelect <- grib_select(gribObj, list(shortName = shortName,
                                          typeOfLevel = typeOfLevel))

  # Not all vertical coordinates increase with height
  levels <- sapply(cubeSelect, function(x) x$level)
  oLevels <- order(levels, decreasing = decreasing)

  # Check dimensions
  nx <- sapply(cubeSelect, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$Nx), x$Ni, x$Nx))
  ny <- sapply(cubeSelect, function(x) ifelse(is.null(x$Ny), x$Nj, x$Ny))
  nz <- length(oLevels)

  if (length(unique(nx)) > 1 || length(unique(ny)) > 1) {
    stop("all level dimensions must be equal to create cube")
  } else {
    nx <- unique(nx)
    ny <- unique(ny)

  cube <- array(dim = c(nx, ny, nz))

  for (ll in oLevels) {
    cube[, , ll] <- cubeSelect[[ll]]$values

nawendt/gribr documentation built on July 15, 2024, 10:51 a.m.