Man pages for ncahill89/BTF
Run the Bayesian Transfer Function

ConstructMCMCArrayRead in JAGS objects
eff_sizeRun MCMC diagnostics - effective sample size
gr_diagRun MCMC diagnostics - rhat
mcseRun MCMC diagnostics - monte carlo standard error (mcse)
NJ_core_speciesCore species counts from New Jersey, USA.
NJ_modern_elevationModern elevations from New Jersey, USA.
NJ_modern_speciesModern species counts from New Jersey, USA.
NJ_priorsPrior elevation ranges for core assemblages
pipePipe operator
response_curvesCreate Species Response Curves
run_coreRun the core model
run_modernRun the modern (calibration) model
run_validCarry out a validation
sort_coreSort core dataset to be compatible with the sorted modern...
sort_modernSort modern species dataset based on total count size
swli_resultsGet SWLI estimates and uncertainty
ncahill89/BTF documentation built on Oct. 4, 2022, 5:18 a.m.