
par(mar = c(1, 1, 3, 1))

# plot original + diced sketches
.sideBySidePlot <- function(d, s, ...) {
  # adjust IDs on slices
  profile_id(s) <- sprintf("%s*", profile_id(s))
  g <- combine(d, s)
  # original + sliced, same color scheme
  plotSPC(g, name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE, width = 0.3, default.color = 'grey', ...)

## TODO: move this into test-dice.R

# check that slices contain the same data as source
.slicesAreSame <- function(d, s, .id = '.xxID') {
  # double check data are conserved
  .s <- horizons(s)[, c(.id, 'p1', horizonDepths(d))]
  .d <- horizons(d)[, c(.id, 'p1', horizonDepths(d))]
  .m <- merge(.s, .d, by = .id)
  # remove NA, slices within gaps / below profile max depth
  .m <- na.omit(.m)
  res <- all(.m$p1.x == .m$p1.y)
  if (!res) {
    return(.m[which(.m$p1.x != .m$p1.y), ])
  } else {

d <- lapply(as.character(1:10), random_profile, n = c(6, 7, 8), n_prop = 5, method = 'LPP', SPC = FALSE)
d <- do.call('rbind', d)
depths(d) <- id ~ top + bottom

horizons(d)$texture <- 'cl'
hztexclname(d) <- 'texture'
hzdesgnname(d) <- 'name'

# OK
dice(d, fm = 25 ~ p1 + name + texture, SPC = FALSE)

# OK
dice(d, fm = 25 ~ p1 + name + texture, SPC = TRUE)

# OK
dice(d, fm = 25 ~ p1, SPC = FALSE)

# OK
dice(d, fm = 25 ~ p1, SPC = TRUE)

# OK
dice(d, fm = 25 ~ ., SPC = FALSE)

# OK
dice(d, fm = 25 ~ ., SPC = TRUE)

# ID for QC
horizons(d)[['.xxID']] <- d$hzID

## continuous slices
s <- dice(d)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s, color = 'p1')
.slicesAreSame(d, s)

## TODO: figure out issues with discrete slices

## discrete slices
.slices <- c(5)
s <- dice(d, fm = .slices ~ .)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s, color = 'p1')
.slicesAreSame(d, s)

.slices <- c(150)
s <- dice(d, fm = .slices ~ .)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s, color = 'p1')
.slicesAreSame(d, s)

.slices <- c(5, 10, 15, 25, 100, 190)
s <- dice(d, fm = .slices ~ .)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s, color = 'p1')
.slicesAreSame(d, s)

## introduce errors

# missing depths
d$bottom[2] <- NA

# 0-thickness hz
d$top[20] <- d$bottom[20]

# garbage depths
d$bottom[32] <- 15
d$top[6] <- 95

# missing data
d$p1[23] <- NA

# flag for later
d$zero.thick <- (d$bottom - d$top) == 0
# profiles 1 and 2
profile_id(subset(d, zero.thick))

# verify illogical horizons are gone
x <- HzDepthLogicSubset(d, byhz = TRUE)
# 0-thick hz removed

plotSPC(fillHzGaps(x, to_bottom = NULL), color = '.filledGap')
# ok
all(checkHzDepthLogic(x, fast = TRUE, byhz = TRUE)$valid)

# OK
# 0-depth hz removed with strict = FALSE
s <- dice(d, byhz = FALSE, fill = FALSE, strict = FALSE)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s)

# OK
# note we set `p1` to NA above, this is profile #4 in the collection
s <- dice(d, byhz = FALSE, fill = FALSE)
plotSPC(s, color = 'p1', name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE, default.color = 'grey')
# can't use .sideBySidePlot(d, s) with missing profiles
abline(h = max(d), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
max(d) == max(s)

# OK
# auto-filling of gaps introduced (byhz = TRUE) but no where else
s <- dice(d, byhz = TRUE, fill = FALSE)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s)
abline(h = max(d), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
max(d) == max(s)

# OK
# auto-filling of gaps introduced (byhz = TRUE) and to-depth of SPC
s <- dice(d, byhz = TRUE, fill = TRUE)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s)
abline(h = max(d), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
max(d) == max(s)

# OK
# # auto-filling of gaps introduced (byhz = TRUE) but no where else
s <- dice(d, byhz = TRUE, fill = TRUE, fm = ~ .)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s)
abline(h = max(d), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
max(d) == max(s)

# OK
# auto-filling of gaps introduced (byhz = TRUE) but no where else
# note top = 5, bottom = 6
s <- dice(d, byhz = TRUE, fill = TRUE, fm = 5 ~ .)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s)
abline(h = 5, lwd = 1, lty = 1)

# all profiles should extend to bottom = 133
# auto-filling of gaps introduced (byhz = TRUE) and to max(z)
s <- dice(d, byhz = TRUE, fill = TRUE, fm = 0:132 ~ .)
.sideBySidePlot(d, s)

abline(h = 133, lwd = 1, lty = 1)
all(profileApply(s, max) == 133)

### finish updating these

# library(aqp)

## try problematic OSD
x <- soilDB::fetchOSD('tatum')

# works, O horizon lost
s <- slice(x, fm = 0:100 ~ .)
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plotSPC(s, width = 0.15)

# works
d <- dice(x, fm = 0:100 ~ ., strict = FALSE)
plotSPC(d, width = 0.15)

# works
d <- dice(x, fm = 0:100 ~ ., strict = TRUE, byhz = TRUE)
plotSPC(d, width = 0.15)

# works
d <- dice(x, strict = TRUE, byhz = TRUE)
plotSPC(d, width = 0.15)

## indexes vs. keys
# See the vignette("datatable-secondary-indices-and-auto-indexing") for more details.

# ~ 10 seconds for 10k profiles
# much faster to generate as DF, then promote to SPC at the end
d <- lapply(as.character(1:10000), random_profile, n = c(6, 7, 8), n_prop = 5, method = 'LPP', SPC = FALSE)

# much faster: rbind + init SPC after making individual profiles
d <- do.call('rbind', d)
depths(d) <- id ~ top + bottom

# fake group
site(d)$group <- factor(sample(letters[1:10], size = length(d), replace =TRUE))

plotSPC(d[1:10, ], color = 'p1', show.legend = FALSE)


# quick check
z <- dice(d[1:2, ], pctMissing = TRUE)

par(mar = c(0,1,3,1))
.sideBySidePlot(d[1:2], z, color = 'hzID', show.legend = FALSE)

## introduce horizonation errors
z <- d[1:10, ]
z$bottom[2] <- NA
z$top[20] <- z$bottom[20]
z$bottom[32] <- 15
z$top[6] <- 95
z$p1[23] <- NA

# dropping entire profiles, OK
zz <- dice(z, byhz = FALSE, pctMissing = TRUE)

# ok
setdiff(profile_id(z), profile_id(zz))

# ok
plotSPC(zz, color = 'name', name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE)
plotSPC(zz, color = 'hzID', name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE)
plotSPC(zz, color = 'p1', name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE)
plotSPC(zz, color = '.pctMissing', name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE)

# dropping horizons, leaving gaps
zz <- dice(z, byhz = TRUE)

# ok
setdiff(profile_id(z), profile_id(zz))

plotSPC(zz, color = 'hzID', name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE)
plotSPC(zz, color = 'p1', name = NA, divide.hz = FALSE)

## formula interface
## TODO: this will error when asking for slices that only occur in NA gaps

# select hz attr
zz <- dice(z, fm = 1:100 ~ p1 + p2, byhz = TRUE)
.sideBySidePlot(z, zz, color = 'p1')

# all hz attr
zz <- dice(z, fm = 1:100 ~ ., byhz = TRUE)
.sideBySidePlot(z, zz, color = 'p1')

# single slice
zz <- dice(z, fm = 50 ~ ., byhz = TRUE)
.sideBySidePlot(z, zz, color = 'p1')

zz <- dice(z, fm = 5 ~ ., byhz = TRUE)
.sideBySidePlot(z, zz, color = 'p1')

# no LHS: all depths
zz <- dice(z, fm =  ~ p1, byhz = TRUE)
.sideBySidePlot(z, zz, color = 'p1')

# pctMissing
zz <- dice(z, pctMissing = TRUE, byhz = TRUE)
.sideBySidePlot(z, zz, color = 'p1')
.sideBySidePlot(z, zz, color = '.pctMissing')

## timing / memory use
  slice_strict = slice(d, fm = 0:100 ~ ., strict = TRUE),
  slice = slice(d, fm = 0:100 ~ ., strict = FALSE),
  dice = dice(d, byhz = FALSE), 
  dice_byhz = dice(d, byhz = TRUE), 
  dice_fm = dice(d, fm = 0:100 ~ .),
  dice_fm_nofill = dice(d, fm = 0:100 ~ ., fill = FALSE),
  dice_no_chk = dice(d, strict = FALSE), 
  dice_no_chk_pctmissing = dice(d, strict = FALSE, pctMissing = TRUE), 
  iterations = 1,
  check = FALSE

## compare output dice vs. slice

depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom

# gap-filling and extension to limits specified in fm are automatically applied (fill = TRUE)
d <- dice(sp4, fm = 0:50 ~ .)
s <- slice(sp4, fm = 0:50 ~ .)

# slice() always gave one extra slice... dang it

# combine results
profile_id(d) <- sprintf("%s-dice", profile_id(d))
z <- combine(s, d)

par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plotSPC(z, color = 'name', name = NA, width = 0.3, show.legend = FALSE)
plotSPC(z, color = 'Ca', name = NA, width = 0.3, show.legend = FALSE)

## error when asking for slices entirely within gaps

depths(sp4) <- id ~ top + bottom

sp4$top[1:2] <- NA

## horizons dropped
d <- dice(sp4, fm = 5 ~ ., byhz = TRUE)

## this works, but corrupt profile is dropped
d <- dice(sp4, fm = 5 ~ ., byhz = FALSE)

# gracefully catch corrupt SPC
d <- dice(sp4, fm = 5 ~ ., strict = FALSE)

# old slice, NA returned
s <- slice(sp4, fm = 5 ~ .)

profile_id(d) <- sprintf("%s-dice", profile_id(d))
z <- combine(s, d)

par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plotSPC(z[1:8, ], color = 'Ca')

## develop tests

## key vs. index vs. none

## profile

# get.slice() wastes a lot of time
pp.slice <- profvis(s <- slice(d, 0:100 ~ .))

# most time spent: checHzDepthLogic + mapply
pp.dice <- profvis::profvis(s <- dice(d))
ncss-tech/aqp documentation built on April 19, 2024, 5:38 p.m.