
Defines functions get_vaccinations_demo

Documented in get_vaccinations_demo

#' Pull Vaccinations by County and Demographic
#' Pulled from <conedatascience/covid-data>. The column vax_n returns
#' vaccination counts. Population references are available for the user to 
#' calculate distribution and/or per capita rates.
#' @param county_list a string, the county to pull. default is all counties.
#' @param demographic a string, the demographic requested. one or more of "race", 
#'      "age", "ethnicity", "sex". default is all demographics
#' @param status string, either 'partial' or 'full' for number of people with
#'      partially or fully vaccinated. Default of NULL returns both.
#' @examples {
#' get_vaccinations_demo(county_list = "Guilford",
#'                       demographic = 'race', status = 'partial')
#' }
#' @export

get_vaccinations_demo <- function(county_list = NULL,
																	demographic = NULL,
																	status = NULL){
	dat <- data.table::fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conedatascience/covid-data/master/data/timeseries/vax-demos.csv")
	dat <- dat[date_pulled==max(date_pulled)]
		dat <- dat[county %in% county_list]

		demo <- match.arg(demographic, c("race", "age", "ethnicity", "sex"),
											several.ok = TRUE)
		demo <- gsub('Age', 'Age Group', stringr::str_to_title(demo))
		dat <- dat[demographic %in% demo]
		stat <- match.arg(status, c('partial', 'full'), several.ok = TRUE)
		dat <- dat[status %in% stat]

nctriadresearch/nccovid documentation built on April 9, 2023, 7:03 a.m.