
Defines functions print.FFTrees

Documented in print.FFTrees

#' Print basic information of fast-and-frugal trees (FFTs)
#' @description \code{print.FFTrees} prints basic information on FFTs for an \code{FFTrees} object \code{x}.
#' As \code{x} may not contain test data, \code{print.FFTrees} by default prints the performance characteristics for training data (i.e., fitting), rather than for test data (i.e., for prediction).
#' When test data is available, specify \code{data = "test"} to print prediction performance.
#' @param x An \code{FFTrees} object created by \code{\link{FFTrees}}.
#' @param tree The tree to be printed (as an integer, only valid when the corresponding tree argument is non-empty).
#' Default: \code{tree = 1}.
#' To print the best training or best test tree with respect to the \code{goal} specified during FFT construction,
#' use \code{"best.train"} or \code{"best.test"}, respectively.
#' @param data The type of data in \code{x} to be printed (as a string) or a test dataset (as a data frame).
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{A valid data string must be either \code{'train'} (for fitting performance) or \code{'test'} (for prediction performance).}
#'   \item{For a valid data frame, the specified tree is evaluated and printed for this data (as 'test' data),
#'   but the global \code{FFTrees} object \code{x} remains unchanged unless it is re-assigned.}
#'  }
#' By default, \code{data = 'train'} (as \code{x} may not contain test data).
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{print}.
#' @return An invisible \code{FFTrees} object \code{x}
#' and summary information on an FFT printed to the console (as side effect).
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{plot.FFTrees}} for plotting FFTs;
#' \code{\link{summary.FFTrees}} for summarizing FFTs;
#' \code{\link{inwords}} for obtaining a verbal description of FFTs;
#' \code{\link{FFTrees}} for creating FFTs from and applying them to data.
#' @importFrom scales comma
#' @importFrom scales percent
#' @importFrom cli style_underline
#' @export

print.FFTrees <- function(x = NULL,
                          tree = 1,
                          data = "train",
                          ...) {

  # Prepare: ------

  # - Get cue info: ----

  train_cues   <- paste(unique(unlist(strsplit(x$trees$definitions$cues[tree], ";"))), collapse = ",")
  train_cues_n <- length(unique(unlist(strsplit(train_cues, ","))))

  # all_cues   <- paste(unique(unlist(strsplit(x$trees$definitions$cues, ";"))), collapse = ",")  # is NOT used anywhere?
  # all_cues_n <- length(unique(unlist(strsplit(x$trees$definitions$cues, ";"))))  # is NOT used anywhere?

  n_cues <- x$trees$definitions$nodes[tree]

  # - Validate arguments: ----

  # data: ----

  # Note: data can be either a string "train"/"test"
  #       OR an entire data frame (of new test data):

  if (inherits(data, "character")) {

    data <- tolower(data)  # 4robustness

    # testthat::expect_true(data %in% c("train", "test"))
    if (!data %in% c("test", "train")){
      stop("The data to print must be 'test' or 'train'.")

  if (inherits(data, "data.frame")) {

    message("Applying FFTrees object x to new test data...")

    x <- fftrees_apply(x, mydata = "test", newdata = data)

    message("Success, but re-assign output to x or use fftrees_apply() to globally change x")

    data <- "test" # in rest of this function


  if (data == "test" & is.null(x$trees$stats$test)){ # use "train" data:

    warning("You asked to print 'test' data, but there were no test data. Printed 'train' data instead...")

    data <- "train"

  # tree: ----

  # Verify tree input: ----

  tree <- verify_tree_arg(x = x, data = data, tree = tree)  # use helper (for plotting AND printing)

  # Get "best" tree: ----

  if (tree == "best.train") {

    if (data == "test"){
      warning("You asked for the 'best.train' tree, but data was set to 'test'. Used the best tree for 'train' data instead...")
      data <- "train"
      main <- "Data (Training)"

    # tree <- x$trees$best$train  # using current x
    tree <- get_best_tree(x, data = "train", goal = x$params$goal)  # using helper

  if (tree == "best.test") {

    if (data == "train"){
      warning("You asked for the 'best.test' tree, but data was set to 'train'. Used 'test' data instead...")
      data <- "test"
      main <- "Data (Testing)"

    # tree <- x$trees$best$test  # using current x
    tree <- get_best_tree(x, data = "test", goal = x$params$goal)  # using helper

  # Introductory text: ------

  if ((abs(x$trees$n) - 1) < .001) { # n = (approx.) 1:
    # summary_text_1 <- paste(x$trees$n, " FFT predicting ", x$criterion_name, " with up to ", n_cues, " nodes", sep = "")
    tree_s <- "tree"

  if (x$trees$n > 1) {
    # summary_text_2 <- paste(x$trees$n, " FFTs predicting ", x$criterion_name, " (", x$params$decision.labels[1], " v ", x$params$decision.labels[2], ")", sep = "")
    tree_s <- "trees"

  # Algorithm, goals, etc. (used only in summary.FFTrees()):
  # params_text <- paste0("pars: algorithm = '", x$params$algorithm, "', goal = '", x$params$goal, "', goal.chase = '", x$params$goal.chase, "', x$params$sens.w = ", x$params$x$params$sens.w, ", max.levels = ", x$params$max.levels)

  # General info on FFTrees object x: ------

  if (is.null(x$params$main) == FALSE) {

    cat(x$params$main)  # object title

  # FFTrees: ----

  cat(in_blue("FFTrees ")) # , rep("-", times = 50 - nchar("FFTrees")), "\n", sep = "")

  # Trees: ----

  cat("- Trees: ", x$trees$n, " fast-and-frugal ", tree_s, " predicting ",
      cli::style_underline(x$criterion_name), "\n",
      sep = ""

  # Costs: ----

  # Set 2 flags:
  if (!is.null(x$params$cost.outcomes) & any(unlist(x$params$cost.outcomes) != 0)){
    print_cost_dec <- TRUE
  } else {
    print_cost_dec <- FALSE

  if (!is.null(x$params$cost.cues) & any(unlist(x$params$cost.cues) != 0)){
    print_cost_cue <- TRUE
  } else {
    print_cost_cue <- FALSE

  if (print_cost_dec){

    cat("- Cost of outcomes:  hi = ", x$params$cost.outcomes$hi, ",  fa = ", x$params$cost.outcomes$fa,
        ",  mi = ", x$params$cost.outcomes$mi, ",  cr = ", x$params$cost.outcomes$cr, "\n",
        sep = "")


  if (print_cost_cue){

    cost_cue_v <- unlist(x$params$cost.cues)

    cat("- Cost of cues: ", "\n", sep = "")
    print(cost_cue_v)  # print named vector


  # Parameters of best.train tree: ----
  # if(tree == x$trees$best$train) {
  #   cat(paste("- FFT ", cli::style_underline("#", x$trees$best$train, sep = ""), " optimises ", cli::style_underline(x$params$goal), " using ", train_cues_n, " cues: {",
  #             cli::style_underline(paste(unlist(strsplit(train_cues, ",")), collapse = ", ")), "}", sep = ""))
  #   cat("\n")
  # }


  # FFT description: ------

  cat(in_blue("FFT #", tree, ": Definition", sep = ""), sep = "")

  # FFT in words:

  # tree_in_words <- inwords(x, data = data, tree = tree)  # generate FFT description
  tree_in_words <- x$trees$inwords[[tree]]  # lookup FFT description (in x)

  for (i in 1:length(tree_in_words)) { # for each sentence:

    cat(paste0("[", i, "] ", tree_in_words[i], "\n"))



  # Get parameter values: ------

  sens.w <- x$params$sens.w  # for computing wacc

  if (data == "train") { # (a) use stats of training data:

    task   <- "Training"
    mydata <- "train"

    hi <- x$trees$stats$train$hi[tree]
    mi <- x$trees$stats$train$mi[tree]
    fa <- x$trees$stats$train$fa[tree]
    cr <- x$trees$stats$train$cr[tree]

    N <- nrow(x$data$train)

    cost_dec <- x$trees$stats$train$cost_dec[tree]
    cost_cue <- x$trees$stats$train$cost_cue[tree]
    cost     <- x$trees$stats$train$cost[tree]

  } else { # else (data == "test"): use stats of test/prediction data (by default):

    task   <- "Prediction"
    mydata <- "test"

    hi <- x$trees$stats$test$hi[tree]
    mi <- x$trees$stats$test$mi[tree]
    fa <- x$trees$stats$test$fa[tree]
    cr <- x$trees$stats$test$cr[tree]

    N <- nrow(x$data$test)

    cost_dec <- x$trees$stats$test$cost_dec[tree]
    cost_cue <- x$trees$stats$test$cost_cue[tree]
    cost     <- x$trees$stats$test$cost[tree]


  # Accuracy information: ------

  cat(in_blue("FFT #", tree, ": ", cli::style_underline(task), " Accuracy\n", sep = ""), sep = "")

  # - Data info: ----

  cat(task, " data: N = ", scales::comma(N), ", ",

      # Prevalence (positive criterion values / True +):
      "Pos (+) = ", scales::comma(hi + mi), " (", scales::percent((hi + mi) / N), ") ",
      # "- ", scales::comma(cr + fa), " (", scales::percent((cr + fa) / N,")",

      # ", ",

      # Bias (positive decisions / Decisions +:
      # "Dec (+) = ", scales::comma(hi + fa), " (", scales::percent((hi + fa) / N), ") ",

      sep = ""


  # - Confusion table: ----

  console_confusionmatrix( # See utility function in util_plot.R:

    hi = hi,
    mi = mi,
    fa = fa,
    cr = cr,

    sens.w = sens.w,

    cost = cost



  # Speed and frugality: ------

  cat(in_blue("FFT #", tree, ": ", cli::style_underline(task), " Speed, Frugality, and Cost\n", sep = ""), sep = "")

  cat("mcu = ", round(x$trees$stats[[mydata]]$mcu[tree], 2), sep = "")
  cat(",  pci = ", round(x$trees$stats[[mydata]]$pci[tree], 2), sep = "")

  # cat("\n")

  # Cost: ------

  if (print_cost_dec & print_cost_cue){
    cat("\n")  # cost info on a new line
  } else if (print_cost_dec | print_cost_cue){
    cat(",  ")  # add a separator
  } else { # report total costs as zero (0):
    cat(",  cost = ", scales::comma(cost, accuracy = .01), sep = "")

  if (print_cost_dec){ # add decision outcome cost:

    cat("cost_dec = ", scales::comma(cost_dec, accuracy = .001), sep = "")


  if (print_cost_cue){ # add cue cost:

    if (print_cost_dec){ cat(",  ") } # add separator

    cat("cost_cue = ", scales::comma(cost_cue, accuracy = .001), sep = "")

  if (print_cost_dec & print_cost_cue){ # add total cost:

    cat(",  cost = ", scales::comma(cost, accuracy = .001), sep = "") # total costs



  # Output: ------


  # Output x may differ from input x when applying new 'test' data (as df):

} # print.FFTrees().

# ToDo: ------

# - etc.

# eof.
ndphillips/FFTrees documentation built on May 10, 2024, 3:14 a.m.