transcript_shape_profile-class: Class transcript_shape_profile

Description Slots


Class transcript_shape_profile holds data for a set of transcripts that are used to generate an empirical shape profile. Can be created by calling transcript_shape_profile. A shape profile can be used with modify_model to alter the models in a transcript_quantifier object.



a GRanges-class object that contains the ranges of transcripts used to fit the empirical shape profile.


bin size used to create transcript profile functions


distance into gene from TSS that is treated as the head region for the purposes of position scaling


distance into gene from the transcript end that is treated as the tail region for the purposes of position scaling


The head region of the gene is rescaled so the position vector that is paired with the count vector is between [0, head_percent]


The tail region of the gene is rescaled so the position vector that is paired with the count vector is between [1 - tail_percent, 1]


a loess function that is used to predict the shape profile


a scalar value to multiply the output of the loess function by so that the profile factors predicted by the loess fit have a median value of 1 in the central body of the gene

ndukler/tuSelecter2 documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1 p.m.