
Defines functions with_mock_path default_mock_path .mockPaths

Documented in .mockPaths

#' Set an alternate directory for mock API fixtures
#' By default, `with_mock_api` will look for mocks relative to the current
#' working directory (the test directory). If you want to look in other places,
#' you can call `.mockPaths` to add directories to the search path.
#' It works like [base::.libPaths()]: any directories you specify will be added
#' to the list and searched first. The default directory will be searched last.
#' Only unique values are kept: if you provide a path that is already found in
#' `.mockPaths`, the result effectively moves that path to the first position.
#' For finer-grained control, or to completely override the default behavior
#' of searching in the current working directory, you can set the option
#' "httptest.mock.paths" directly.
#' @param new Either a character vector of path(s) to add, or `NULL` to reset
#' to the default.
#' @return If `new` is omitted, the function returns the current search paths, a
#' a character vector. If `new` is provided, the updated value will be returned
#' invisibly.
#' @examples
#' identical(.mockPaths(), ".")
#' .mockPaths("/var/somewhere/else")
#' identical(.mockPaths(), c("/var/somewhere/else", "."))
#' .mockPaths(NULL)
#' identical(.mockPaths(), ".")
#' @rdname mockPaths
#' @export
.mockPaths <- function(new) {
  current <- getOption("httptest.mock.paths", default = default_mock_path())
  if (missing(new)) {
    # We're calling the function to get the list of paths
  } else if (is.null(new)) {
    # We're calling the function to reset to the default
    options(httptest.mock.paths = new)
  } else {
    # We're adding one or more paths
    current <- unique(c(new, current))
    options(httptest.mock.paths = current)

default_mock_path <- function() {
  if (dir.exists("tests/testthat")) {
  } else {

with_mock_path <- function(path, expr, replace = FALSE) {
  oldmp <- .mockPaths()
  if (replace) {
    options(httptest.mock.paths = path)
  } else {
    # Append
  on.exit(options(httptest.mock.paths = oldmp))
nealrichardson/httptest documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 12:35 a.m.