
Defines functions heal_data

Documented in heal_data

#' Function to impute the missing values in time series data
#' @param dataIn as input time series data with missing values (NAs)
#' @param patch as missing data patches as returned with "missing_patch()" function
#' @return returns imputed data
#' @import PSF
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export

# Function "heal_data()" starts here-----------------
heal_data <- function(dataIn, patch)
  blue <- NULL
  patch1 <- patch
  ###dataIn[is.na(dataIn)] <- 0

  len <- length(dataIn)
  dataIn <- as.numeric(na.omit(dataIn))
  datax <- dataIn
  while(nrow(patch) != 0)
    max_val_patch <- which.max(patch$z)
    f_first <- patch[max_val_patch,][1]
      f_first <- f_first[, 1]

    f_last <- patch[max_val_patch,][2]
      f_last <- f_last[, 1]

    n.ahead <- patch[max_val_patch,][3]
      n.ahead <- n.ahead[, 1]

    f_mid <- (f_first + f_last)/2

    lens <- length(dataIn)

    if(f_first < 0.2*lens)
    ###if(f_mid <= 0.5*lens)
      dataIn <- as.numeric(na.omit(dataIn))
      dataIn1 <- rev(dataIn)
      len1 <- length(dataIn1)
      f_first_rev <- len1 - f_last
      x2 <- lpsf(data = dataIn1[1:(f_first_rev)], n.ahead = n.ahead)
      x3 <- rev(x2)
      #for(h in 1:n.ahead)
      #  dataIn1[f_first_rev + h] <- NA
      #x2 <- na.interpolation(dataIn1[1:(f_first_rev + n.ahead)])
      #x2 <- x2[(f_first_rev+1):(f_first_rev + n.ahead)]
      #x3 <- rev(x2)

    if((f_first >=  0.2*lens) && (f_last <= 0.8*lens))
    ###if((f_mid >=  0.1*lens) && (f_mid <= 0.9*lens))
      dataIn <- as.numeric(na.omit(dataIn))
      x1 <- lpsf(data = dataIn[1:(f_first-1)], n.ahead = n.ahead)

      dataIn1 <- rev(dataIn)
      dataIn1 <- as.numeric(na.omit(dataIn1))
      len1 <- length(dataIn1)
      f_first_rev <- len1 - f_last
      x2 <- lpsf(data = dataIn1[1:(f_first_rev)], n.ahead = n.ahead)
      x2 <- rev(x2)
      x3 <- (x1+x2)/2

    if(f_last > 0.8*lens)
    #if(f_mid > 0.5*lens)
      dataIn <- as.numeric(na.omit(dataIn))
      x3 <- lpsf(data = dataIn[1:(f_first-1)], n.ahead = n.ahead)
      #for(h in 1:n.ahead)
      #  dataIn1[f_first + h] <- NA
      #x2 <- na.interpolation(dataIn1[1:(f_first + n.ahead)])
      #x3 <- x2[(f_first+1):(f_first + n.ahead)]
  j <- 1

    datax <- insert_patch(datax, (f_first - 1), x3)

    dataIn <- datax
    blue <- append(blue,f_first)
    blue <- append(blue,f_last)
    limit1 <- length(dataIn)
    plot(dataIn[1:f_first],type = "o", xlim = c(0,length(dataIn)),ylim = c(min(dataIn), max(dataIn)), col=c("red"), xlab = "Time Series Data", ylab=NA)
    points(f_first:f_last+1, dataIn[f_first:f_last+1],col="blue", type ="o",pch=22)
    points(f_last+1:limit1,dataIn[f_last+1:limit1],col="red", type ="o")
    patch <- patch[-which.max(patch$z),]

    dataIn1 <- rev(dataIn)

  blue <- sort(blue)
  blue <- append(blue, length(dataIn))
  plot(dataIn[1:blue[1]],type = "o", xlim = c(0,length(dataIn)),ylim = c(min(dataIn), max(dataIn)),col=c("red"), xlab = "Time Series Data", ylab=NA)
  #for(j in 1:length(blue)-2)

  while(nrow(patch1) != 0)

    points(blue[i]:blue[i+1], dataIn[blue[i]:blue[i+1]],col="blue", type ="o",pch=22)
    points(blue[i+1]:blue[i+2], dataIn[blue[i+1]:blue[i+2]],col="red", type ="o")
    i <- i+2
    patch1 <- patch1[-1,]

  #output <- list("Imputed Data" = dataIn, "Plot" = jk)
# Function "heal_data()" ends here-----------------
neerajdhanraj/imputePSF documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:31 p.m.