
Defines functions gtm_tags_update gtm_tags_create gtm_tags_delete gtm_tags_get gtm_tags_triggers gtm_tags_fields gtm_tags_parameters gtm_tags_summary gtm_tags_list

Documented in gtm_tags_create gtm_tags_delete gtm_tags_fields gtm_tags_get gtm_tags_list gtm_tags_parameters gtm_tags_summary gtm_tags_triggers gtm_tags_update

#' gtm_tags_list
#' Lists all of the tags in a GTM container. Returns a list composed of a number of dataframes.
#' @param account_id The ID of the account
#' @param container_id The ID of the container
#' @param workspace_id The ID of the workspace
#' @param token An OAuth token object
#' @param verbose If you want a message letting you know that your results have been successfully retrieved. Defaults to FALSE
#' @export

gtm_tags_list <- function(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,token,verbose = FALSE) {



  path <- paste('https://www.googleapis.com/tagmanager/v2/accounts',account_id,'containers',container_id,'workspaces',sep='/')

  wid <- wspace_picker(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,token)

  api_url <- paste(path,wid,'tags',sep='/')

  call <- easy_call('get',api_url,token)

  call_content <- content(call,'parsed')

  tag_list <- gtm_list_tags(call_content)




#' gtm_tags_summary
#' A nice summary of all your GTM tags in a single dataframe, to help you find the specific tag information you are looking for.
#' @param gtm_tags_list Your list of GTM tags
#' @export

gtm_tags_summary <- function(gtm_tags_list) {


summary_tbl <- tibble()

for (i in 1:length(gtm_tags_list)) {

  tag_tbl <- bind_cols(gtm_tags_list[[i]]$tag_metadata,gtm_tags_list[[i]]$tag_settings) %>%
    mutate(index = i)

  summary_tbl <- bind_rows(summary_tbl,tag_tbl)


summary_tbl <- summary_tbl %>%
  rename(tag_name = name)


#' gtm_tags_parameters
#' Get a single table showing the parameters for all of your tags.
#' @param gtm_tags_list Your list of GTM tags
#' @export

gtm_tags_parameters <- function(gtm_tags_list) {

  param_tbl <- tibble()

  for (i in 1:length(gtm_tags_list)) {

    new_param = gtm_tags_list[[i]]$tag_parameters

    new_param <- new_param %>%
      mutate(tag_id = gtm_tags_list[[i]]$tag_metadata$tag_id,
             tag_name = gtm_tags_list[[i]]$tag_metadata$name,
           index = i)

    param_tbl <- bind_rows(param_tbl,new_param)




#' gtm_tags_fields
#' Get a single table showing all of the set fields for all of your tags
#' @param gtm_tags_list Your list of GTM tags
#' @export

gtm_tags_fields <- function(tag_list) {

  field <- tibble()

  for (i in 1:length(tag_list)) {

    temp_tag <- tag_list[[i]]

    if (nrow(temp_tag$tag_fields_to_set)==0) {


    } else {

      meta <- temp_tag$tag_metadata %>%

      temp <- cbind(meta,temp_tag$tag_fields_to_set)

      field <- bind_rows(field,temp)



  field <- field %>%
    rename(tag_name = name)


#' gtm_tags_triggers
#' Get a single table showing all of the triggers for all of your tags
#' @param gtm_tags_list Your list of GTM tags
#' @export

gtm_tags_triggers <- function(tag_list) {


  triggers <- tibble()

  for (i in 1:length(tag_list)) {

    tag <- tag_list[[i]]

    id <- tag$tag_metadata$tag_id
    name <- tag$tag_metadata$name

    fire <- tag$tag_triggers
    block <- tag$tag_blockers

    temp <- tibble()

    if (is_empty(fire) == FALSE) {

      fire <- fire %>%
        mutate(trigger_type = 'firing',
               tag_id = id,
             tag_name = name) %>%
        rename(trigger_id = 1)

      temp <- bind_rows(temp,fire)

    if (is_empty(block) == FALSE) {

      block <- block %>%
        mutate(trigger_type = 'blocking',
               tag_id = id,
             tag_name = name) %>%
        rename(trigger_id = 1)

      temp <- bind_rows(temp,block)


    triggers <- bind_rows(triggers,temp) %>%



#' gtm_tags_get
#' Get a specific tag from a GTM container. Returns a list composed of a number of dataframes.
#' @param account_id The ID of the account
#' @param container_id The ID of the container
#' @param workspace_id The ID of the workspace
#' @param tag_id The ID of the tag - this will work with either a number (faster) or a tag name (slower) - note, the tag name has to be exact
#' @param token An OAuth token object
#' @param verbose If you want a message letting you know that your results have been successfully retrieved. Defaults to FALSE
#' @export

gtm_tags_get <- function(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,tag_id,token,verbose = FALSE) {



  api_url <- tag_id_url(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,tag_id,token)

  call <- easy_call('get',api_url,token)

  call_content <- content(call,'parsed')

  if (is_empty(single_tag$firingTriggerId) == FALSE) {

    firing_triggers <- do.call('bind_rows',map(single_tag$firingTriggerId,as_tibble)) %>%
      rename(firing_trigger_id = 1)

    } else {

    firing_triggers <- NULL


  #set up the table for the blocking triggers

  if (is_empty(single_tag$blockingTriggerId) == FALSE) {

    blocking_triggers <- do.call('bind_rows',map(single_tag$blockingTriggerId,as_tibble)) %>%
      rename(blocking_trigger_id = 1)

  } else {

    blocking_triggers <- NULL


  settings <- tibble(index = i)
  fields_to_set <- tibble()
  parameters <- tibble()

  params <- map(single_tag$parameter,paramsfunc)

  for (i in 1:length(params)) {

  y <- params[[i]]

  if (nrow(y) == 1 & ncol(y) == 1) {

    settings <- bind_cols(settings,y)

  } else if (names(y)[[1]] == 'fields_to_set') {

    fields_to_set <- bind_rows(fields_to_set,y)

  } else {

    parameters <- bind_rows(parameters,y)



settings <- settings %>%

  call_content$firingTriggerId <- NULL
  call_content$blockingTriggerId <- NULL
  call_content$parameter <- NULL

  call_content_values <- as_tibble(call_content) %>%

  parameters <- parameters %>%

  parameter_list <- list(tag_metadata = single_tag_values,
                           tag_settings = settings,
                           tag_fields_to_set = fields_to_set,
                           tag_parameters = parameters,
                           tag_triggers = firing_triggers,
                           tag_blockers = blocking_triggers)




#' gtm_tags_delete
#' Delete a specific tag from a GTM container.
#' @param account_id The ID of the account
#' @param container_id The ID of the container
#' @param workspace_id The ID of the workspace
#' @param tag_id The ID of the tag - this will work with either a number (faster) or a tag name (slower) - note, the tag name has to be exact
#' @param token An OAuth token object
#' @param verbose If you want a message letting you know that your results have been successfully retrieved. Defaults to FALSE
#' @export

gtm_tags_delete <- function(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,tag_id,token,verbose = FALSE) {



  path <- paste('https://www.googleapis.com/tagmanager/v2/accounts',account_id,'containers',container_id,'workspaces',sep='/')

  api_url <- tag_id_url(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,tag_id,token)

  call <- easy_call('delete',api_url,token)

  call_content <- content(call,'parsed')



#' gtm_tags_create
#' Create a new tag in the container
#' @param account_id The ID of the account
#' @param container_id The ID of the container
#' @param workspace_id The ID of the workspace
#' @param tag_name The name of the tag
#' @param token An OAuth token object
#' @param fields_to_set A tibble of the fields to set, with the first column called 'field' and the second 'value'
#' @param ga_values The GA values that you want to pass, including the GA ID, the event category, event action, and event label
#' @param custom_dimensions The custom dimensions you want to pass, provided as a two-column tibble with the index and the value. Defaults to NULL
#' @param custom_metrics The custom metrics you want to pass, provided as a two-column tibble with the index and the value. Defaults to NULL
#' @param firing_triggers The IDs of the triggers you want to use to fire the tag, passed as an integer or a vector (for multiple triggers). Defaults to NULL
#' @param blocking_triggers The IDs of the triggers you want to use to stop the tag from firing, passed as an integer or a vector (for multiple triggers). Defaults to NULL
#' @export

gtm_tags_create <- function(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,tag_name,token,fields_to_set,ga_values,custom_dimensions = NULL,custom_metrics=NULL,firing_triggers=NULL,blocking_triggers=NULL) {



  create_url <- paste('https://www.googleapis.com/tagmanager/v2/accounts',account_id,'containers',container_id,'workspaces',workspace_id,'tags',sep='/')

  #generate the tag details to send

tag_list <- list()
tag_list$name <- tag_name
tag_list$type <- 'ua'
tag_list$tagFiringOption = "oncePerEvent"
parameters <- list(list(type = "boolean", key = "nonInteraction", value = "false"),
                   list(type = "boolean", key = "overrideGaSettings", value = "true"))

track_type <- list(type = "template", key = "trackType", value = str_to_upper('track_event'))

#add the fields to set

f2s <- list(type = "list", key = "fieldsToSet")

fields_to_set <- fields_to_set %>%
  rename(field = 1,
         value = 2)

new_list <- list()

for (i in 1:nrow(fields_to_set)) {

  x <- fields_to_set %>% slice(i)

  z <- list(type = "map", map = list(list(type = "template",
                                     key = "fieldName", value = x$field), list(
                                       type = "template", key = "value", value = x$value)))

  new_list <- rlist::list.append(new_list,z)


f2s$list <- new_list

#add the GA values

ga_values <- ga_values %>%

gaid <- list(type = "template", key = "gaSettings", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'ga_id'))
ec <- list(type = "template", key = "eventCategory", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'event_category'))
ea <- list(type = "template", key = "eventAction", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'event_action'))
el <- list(type = "template", key = "eventLabel", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'event_label'))

#add the dimensions if there are any

if (is_empty(custom_dimensions) == FALSE) {

  dimensions <- list(type = "list", key = "dimension")

  dims_list <- list()

  for (i in 1:nrow(custom_dimensions)) {

    x <- custom_dimensions %>%

    z <- list(type = "map", map = list(list(type = "template",key = "index", value = quick_pull(x,'index')),
                                       list(type = "template",key = "dimension", value = quick_pull(x,'value')))

    dims_list <- list.append(dims_list,z)


  dimensions$list <- dims_list

} else {

  dimensions <- NULL

#add the custom metrics

if (is_empty(custom_metrics) == FALSE) {

  metrics <- list(type = "list", key = "metric")

  mets_list <- list()

  for (i in 1:nrow(custom_metrics)) {

    x <- custom_metrics %>%

    z <- list(type = "map", map = list(list(type = "template",key = "index", value = quick_pull(x,'index')),
                                       list(type = "template",key = "metric", value = quick_pull(x,'value')))

    mets_list <- list.append(mets_list,z)


  metrics$list <- mets_list

} else {

  metrics <- NULL

parameters <- list.append(parameters,track_type,f2s,gaid,ec,ea,el,dimensions,metrics)

parameters <- parameters %>%

tag_list$parameter <- parameters

#add the triggers to fire

if (is_empty(firing_triggers) == FALSE) {

  if (is.numeric(firing_triggers)==TRUE) {

    tag_list$firingTriggerId <- as.list(firing_triggers)

  } else {

    #this is the option to pass triggers by name

    temp <- gtm_triggers_list(account_id, container_id, workspace_id, token) %>%
      filter(name %in% firing_triggers) %>%
      distinct(trigger_id) %>%

  tag_list$firingTriggerId <- as.list(temp)



#add the triggers to block

if (is_empty(blocking_triggers) == FALSE) {

  if (is.numeric(blocking_triggers) == TRUE) {

    tag_list$blockingTriggerId <- as.list(blocking_triggers)

  } else {

    temp <- gtm_triggers_list(account_id, container_id, workspace_id, token) %>%
      filter(name %in% blocking_triggers) %>%
      distinct(trigger_id) %>%

      tag_list$blockingTriggerId <- as.list(temp)


call <- easy_call('post',create_url,token,tag_list)


#' gtm_tags_update
#' Update a tag in the container
#' @param account_id The ID of the account
#' @param container_id The ID of the container
#' @param workspace_id The ID of the container
#' @param tag_id The ID of the tag to be updated
#' @param tag_name The name of the tag
#' @param token An OAuth token object
#' @param fields_to_set A tibble of the fields to set, with the first column called 'field' and the second 'value'
#' @param ga_values The GA values that you want to pass, including the GA ID, the event category, event action, and event label
#' @param custom_dimensions The custom dimensions you want to pass, provided as a two-column tibble with the index and the value. Defaults to NULL
#' @param custom_metrics The custom metrics you want to pass, provided as a two-column tibble with the index and the value. Defaults to NULL
#' @param firing_triggers The IDs of the triggers you want to use to fire the tag, passed as an integer or a vector (for multiple triggers). Defaults to NULL
#' @param blocking_triggers The IDs of the triggers you want to use to stop the tag from firing, passed as an integer or a vector (for multiple triggers). Defaults to NULL
#' @export

gtm_tags_update <- function(account_id,container_id,workspace_id,tag_id,tag_name,token,fields_to_set,ga_values,custom_dimensions = NULL,custom_metrics=NULL,firing_triggers=NULL,blocking_triggers=NULL) {



  update_url <- paste('https://www.googleapis.com/tagmanager/v2/accounts',account_id,'containers',container_id,'workspaces',workspace_id,'tags',tag_id,sep='/')

  #generate the tag details to send

tag_list <- list()
tag_list$name <- tag_name
tag_list$type <- 'ua'
tag_list$tagFiringOption = "oncePerEvent"
parameters <- list(list(type = "boolean", key = "nonInteraction", value = "false"),
                   list(type = "boolean", key = "overrideGaSettings", value = "true"))

track_type <- list(type = "template", key = "trackType", value = str_to_upper('track_event'))

#add the fields to set

f2s <- list(type = "list", key = "fieldsToSet")

fields_to_set <- fields_to_set %>%
  rename(field = 1,
         value = 2)

new_list <- list()

for (i in 1:nrow(fields_to_set)) {

  x <- fields_to_set %>% slice(i)

  z <- list(type = "map", map = list(list(type = "template",
                                     key = "fieldName", value = x$field), list(
                                       type = "template", key = "value", value = x$value)))

  new_list <- rlist::list.append(new_list,z)


f2s$list <- new_list

#add the GA values

ga_values <- ga_values %>%

gaid <- list(type = "template", key = "gaSettings", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'ga_id'))
ec <- list(type = "template", key = "eventCategory", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'event_category'))
ea <- list(type = "template", key = "eventAction", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'event_action'))
el <- list(type = "template", key = "eventLabel", value = quick_pull(ga_values,'event_label'))

#add the dimensions if there are any

if (is_empty(custom_dimensions) == FALSE) {

  dimensions <- list(type = "list", key = "dimension")

  dims_list <- list()

  for (i in 1:nrow(custom_dimensions)) {

    x <- custom_dimensions %>%

    z <- list(type = "map", map = list(list(type = "template",key = "index", value = quick_pull(x,'index')),
                                       list(type = "template",key = "dimension", value = quick_pull(x,'value')))

    dims_list <- list.append(dims_list,z)


  dimensions$list <- dims_list

} else {

  dimensions <- NULL

#add the custom metrics

if (is_empty(custom_metrics) == FALSE) {

  metrics <- list(type = "list", key = "metric")

  mets_list <- list()

  for (i in 1:nrow(custom_metrics)) {

    x <- custom_metrics %>%

    z <- list(type = "map", map = list(list(type = "template",key = "index", value = quick_pull(x,'index')),
                                       list(type = "template",key = "metric", value = quick_pull(x,'value')))

    mets_list <- list.append(mets_list,z)


  metrics$list <- mets_list

} else {

  metrics <- NULL

parameters <- list.append(parameters,track_type,f2s,gaid,ec,ea,el,dimensions,metrics)

parameters <- parameters %>%

tag_list$parameter <- parameters

  #add the triggers to fire

  if (is_empty(firing_triggers) == FALSE) {

    if (is.numeric(firing_triggers)==TRUE) {

      tag_list$firingTriggerId <- as.list(firing_triggers)

    } else {

      #this is the option to pass triggers by name

      temp <- gtm_triggers_list(account_id, container_id, workspace_id, token) %>%
        filter(name %in% firing_triggers) %>%
        distinct(trigger_id) %>%

    tag_list$firingTriggerId <- as.list(temp)



  #add the triggers to block

  if (is_empty(blocking_triggers) == FALSE) {

    if (is.numeric(blocking_triggers) == TRUE) {

      tag_list$blockingTriggerId <- as.list(blocking_triggers)

    } else {

      temp <- gtm_triggers_list(account_id, container_id, workspace_id, token) %>%
        filter(name %in% blocking_triggers) %>%
        distinct(trigger_id) %>%

        tag_list$blockingTriggerId <- as.list(temp)


call <- easy_call('put',update_url,token,tag_list)

neugelb/gtmr documentation built on June 25, 2020, 10:06 a.m.