resel <- function(voxeld, hmax, hv=1) {
reselc <- hv * voxeld / hmax # hv=0.919 for larger bandwidths than typically fmri
reselc[reselc>1] <- 1
pvalue <- function(z,i,j,k,rx,ry,rz,type="norm",df=4,cone = 0) {
rho0 <- 0
rho1 <- 0
rho2 <- 0
rho3 <- 0
rho4 <- 0
sq2pi <- sqrt(2 * pi)
fltwo <- (4 * log(2))^.5/sq2pi
if (type == "norm") {
rho0 <- 1 - pnorm(z)
rho1 <- fltwo * dnorm(z)
rho2 <- fltwo^2 * dnorm(z) * z
rho3 <- fltwo^3 * dnorm(z) * (z*z -1)
rho4 <- fltwo^4 * dnorm(z) * (z*z*z - 3*z)
if (type == "t") {
rho0 <- 1 - pt(z,df)
gdf <- numeric(length(df))
inddf0 <- (1:length(df))[df <= 100]
inddf1 <- (1:length(df))[df > 100]
gdf[inddf0] <- gamma((df[inddf0]+1)/2)/gamma(df[inddf0]/2)
gdf[inddf1] <- sqrt(df[inddf1]/2)*(1-1/(4*df[inddf1]))
#gdf <- if(df<=100) gamma((df+1)/2)/gamma(df/2) else sqrt(df/2)*(1-1/(4*df))
# avoids overflow in gamma((df+1)/2), see Handbook of mathematical functions 5.11
onepz2df <- (1+z*z/df)^(-0.5*(df-1))
fgdf <- gdf /(df/2)^0.5* onepz2df
rho1 <- fltwo/sq2pi * onepz2df
rho2 <- fltwo^2/sq2pi * fgdf * z
rho3 <- fltwo^3/sq2pi * onepz2df * ((df-1)/df*z*z-1)
rho4 <- fltwo^4/sq2pi * fgdf * ((df-2)/df*z*z*z - 3*z)
if (type == "chisq") {
dchisqdf <- dchisq(z, df)
rho0 <- 1 - pchisq(z,df)
rho1 <- fltwo * 2 * sqrt(z) * dchisqdf
rho2 <- fltwo^2 * 2 * dchisqdf * (z-df+1)
rho3 <- fltwo^3 * 2 * dchisqdf / sqrt(z) * (z*z - (2*df-1)*z + (df-1) * (df-2))
rho4 <- fltwo^4 * 2 * dchisqdf / z * (z*z*z - 3*df*z*z + 3*(df-1)*z - (df-1)*(df-2)*(df-3))
r0 <- 1
r1 <- (i-1)*rx + (j-1)*ry +(k-1)*rz
r2 <- (i-1)*(j-1)*rx*ry + (j-1)*(k-1)*ry*rz +(i-1)*(k-1)*rx*rz
r3 <- (i-1)*(j-1)*(k-1)*rx*ry*rz
rho0 * r0 + rho1 * r1 + rho2 * r2 + rho3 * r3 +
(rho1 * r0 + rho2 * r1 + rho3 * r2 + rho4 * r3) / sqrt(4*log(2)) * cone
threshold <- function(p,i,j,k,rx,ry,rz,type="norm",df=4,step=.001,cone=0) {
n <- length(rx)
thr <- numeric(n)
fixed <- logical(n)
if (type == "chisq") {
x <- 10
} else {
x <- 3
pxyz <- rx*ry*rz
ind <- (1:length(pxyz))[pxyz==min(pxyz)][1]
pv <- 1
# length(pxyz) > 1 after smoothing
while (pv>p) {
pv <- pvalue(x,i,j,k,rx[ind],ry[ind],rz[ind],type,df,cone=cone)
x <- x+5*step
x <- x-5*step
# this runs faster to the lowest level and therefore allows for smaller value of step
while (any(!fixed)) {
pv <- pvalue(x,i,j,k,rx,ry,rz,type,df,cone=cone)
ind <- (1:n)[!fixed][pv[!fixed]<p]
thr[ind] <- x
fixed[ind] <- TRUE
x <- x+step
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