
#' Cross-Validated Bernoulli Subgraph Classifier
#' \code{sg.bern.xval_classifier} Bernoulli Subgraph Classifier with Cross Validation to determine the optimal subgraph.
#' @param samp a list or array of graphs with arbitrary labelling.
#'     - if samp is a list, then it should have s elements of dimensions
#'         [n x n].
#'    - if samp is an array, then it should be of dimensions [n x n x s].
#' @param Y [s] the class labels.
#' @param nedges [z] an array where each element is the number of edges to look for, arbitrarily breaking ties as necessary.
#' @param coherent=FALSE if FALSE, estimate an incoherent subgraph, otherwise an integer indicating the number of vertices in the coherent subgraph.
#' @param tstat="fisher" the test statistic to use. options are fisher's exact ("fisher") and chi-squared ("chisq").
#' @param xval="loo" the cross-validation options to use. Options are "loo" (leave-one-out) and "kfold" (K-fold).
#' @param folds=NaN the number of folds to do if xval is set to kfold.
#' @return subgraph [n x n] an array indicating whether an edge is present or not present in the subgraph.
#' @return p [n x n x c] the probability per edge of being connected per class for c classes.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{sg.bern.compute_graph_statistics}}
sg.bern.xval_classifier <- function(samp, Y, nedges, coherent=FALSE, tstat="fisher", xval="loo", folds=NaN) {

  if(is.list(samp)) {
    samp <- fmriu.list2array(samp)  # convert to a array for standardization

  dims <- dim(samp)
  n <- dims[1]
  m <- dims[2]
  s <- dims[3]

  if (n != m) {
    stop(sprintf("You have passed an invalid graph, as dim1 is %d and dim2 is %d, while dim1 should be == dim2.", n, m))

  if (s != length(Y)) {
    stop(sprintf(paste('The number of samples, ', s, "is not equal to\n",
                       " the number of class labels, ", length(Y), '.', sep="")))

  subgraphs <- list()

  if (xval == "loo") {
    # iterate over the element that is going to be held out
    er <- 0
    for (i in 1:s) {
      # split into training and validation sets
      splits <- sg.xval_split_data(samp, Y, i)
      train_set <- splits$train_set
      train_y <- splits$train_y
      test_set <- splits$test_set
      test_y <- splits$test_y
      # estimators for graph
      sg_ests <- sg.bern.subgraph_train(samp = train_set, Y = train_y, nedges, coherent=coherent, tstat=tstat)

      # classify the testing data and produce accuracy summary
      test_pred <- sg.bern.subgraph_classifier(test_set, sg_ests$edges, sg_ests$p, sg_ests$pi, sg_ests$classes)
      if (test_pred$Yhat[1] != test_y[1]) {
        er <- er + 1  # classification mistake, so increment error counter
    er <- er/s  # error is number of misclassifications / number of possible samples
    # train the model on the full data for the actual result
    sg_ests <- sg.bern.subgraph_train(samp, Y, nedges, coherent=coherent, tstat=tstat)
    result <- list(method="loo", nedges=nedges, coherent=coherent, n=s,
                   test=tstat, folds=NaN, error=er, edges=sg_ests$edges)
  } else {
    stop('You have passed an unsupported cross-validatioon method.')
neurodata/subgraphing documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:10 a.m.