
#' #' @title Create Model Scheme
#' #' 
#' #' @description This function creates an object of class \code{DLscheme} that contains the basic configuration
#' #' of a \code{DLmodel}
#' #'
#' #' @param ...   attributes to add to the scheme, as key, value pairs.
#' #' 
#' #' @details 
#' #' All schemes should provide at least a \code{optimizer} argument. The rest of parameters, if not provided, are
#' #' set to their default values, from \code{\link{get_dl4ni_config}}.
#' #' 
#' #' Another interesting attribute is \code{memory_limit}. The default, "512M" is rather conservative. Please feel
#' #' free to increase this quantity (it's a character string) to a reasonable amounto of memory inside the limits
#' #' of your system (RAM or GPU memory, wherever your system is configured to train). The automatic estimation of
#' #' batch size in the training phase uses this \code{memory_limit} to adjust the batch size that fits in memory,
#' #' thus increasing it will allow larger batch sizes and faster training phases. In case you overestimate the
#' #' available memory, the system may become inestable, so use with caution. Reasonable values could be "2G" in
#' #' older systems (like mine).
#' #' 
#' #' We don't need to tell, in the scheme, the number of input volumes in the model. This will be made in the
#' #' "instantiation" of the model using \code{\link{instantiate_model}}, which will use additional information
#' #' about the problem to solve in order to build the actual model.
#' #' 
#' #' This strategy is most useful when creating a \code{DLflow} with \code{\link{create_flow}}. In this case, we can
#' #' define a complete flow using just functions and schemes (although pretrained models are supported) and the
#' #' actual models will be instantiated (built) in the training phase, according to the inputs and outputs provided.
#' #'
#' #' @return An object of the class \code{DLscheme}.
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' create_scheme <- function(...) {
#'   # Create new environment where to store all parameters to define a network
#'   scheme <- new.env()
#'   # Assign class
#'   class(scheme) <- c("DLscheme", class(scheme))
#'   # Add attributes as needed
#'   scheme %>% add_attribute(...)
#'   # Return the scheme, invisibly. This enables to concatenate calls to this function using the 
#'   # pipe %>% .
#'   return(invisible(scheme))
#' }

#' @title Add an Attribute to a Scheme
#' @description This function adds an attribute to an existing model scheme.
#' @param scheme   (\code{DLscheme} object) The scheme to add attributes to.
#' @param ...      attributes to add to the scheme, as key, value pairs.
#' @return The updated scheme.
#' @export
add_attribute <- function(scheme, ...) {
  # Basic input checks
  stopifnot(inherits(scheme, "DLscheme"))
  # What to add, using the same names
  args <- list(...)
  var_names <- names(args)
  # If we are provided with an optimizer, we have to parse it for future use. This is very
  # useful when loading a pre-trained model, so we can reinstantiate the optimizer in the
  # current session and resume training.
  if ("optimizer" %in% var_names) {
    optimizer <- parse_optimizer(args[["optimizer"]])
    args[["optimizer"]] <- optimizer
  # If we are given layers definitions, normalize them.
  if ("vol_layers_pattern" %in% var_names) {
    args$vol_layers_pattern <- normalize_layers(args$vol_layers_pattern)
  if ("feature_layers" %in% var_names) {
    args$feature_layers <- normalize_layers(args$feature_layers)
  if ("common_layers" %in% var_names) {
    args$common_layers <- normalize_layers(args$common_layers)
  if ("decoder_layers" %in% var_names) {
    args$decoder_layers <- normalize_layers(args$decoder_layers)
  if ("last_hidden_layers" %in% var_names) {
    args$last_hidden_layers <- normalize_layers(args$last_hidden_layers)
  # Assign all variables to the "scheme" environment
  lapply(var_names, function(vn) {
    assign(x = vn, value = args[[vn]], envir = scheme)
  # Return the scheme, invisibly. This enables to concatenate calls to this function using the 
  # pipe %>% .

check_scheme <- function(scheme) {
  scheme$vol_layers_pattern <- scheme$vol_layers_pattern %>% normalize_layers()
  scheme$feature_layers <- scheme$feature_layers %>% normalize_layers()
  scheme$common_layers <- scheme$common_layers %>% normalize_layers()
  scheme$decoder_layers <- scheme$decoder_layers %>% normalize_layers()
  scheme$last_hidden_layers <- scheme$last_hidden_layers %>% normalize_layers()

  defaults <- get_dl4ni_config()
  if (is.null(scheme$width)) scheme$width <- defaults$width
  if (is.null(scheme$output_width)) scheme$output_width <- defaults$output_width
neuroimaginador/dl4ni documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:47 p.m.