
Defines functions run_de

Documented in run_de

#' Run differential expression
#' Perform differential expression/accessibility (DE/DA) on single-cell data. Libra implements unique DE/DA methods that can all be accessed from
#' one function. These methods encompass traditional single-cell methods as well
#' as methods accounting for biological replicate including pseudobulk and
#' mixed model methods. The code for this package has been largely inspired
#' by the Seurat and Muscat packages. Please see the documentation of these
#' packages for further information.
#' @param input a single-cell matrix to be converted, with features (genes) in rows
#'   and cells in columns. Alternatively, a \code{Seurat}, \code{monocle3}, or
#'   or \code{SingleCellExperiment} object can be directly input.
#' @param meta the accompanying meta data whereby the rownames match the column
#'   names of \code{input}.
#' @param replicate_col the vector in \code{meta} containing the replicate
#'   information. Defaults to \code{replicate}.
#' @param cell_type_col the vector in \code{meta} containing the cell type
#'   information. Defaults to \code{cell_type}.
#' @param label_col the vector in \code{meta} containing the experimental
#'   label. Defaults to \code{label}. Labels 1 and 2 are determined using the factor levels. If no factor levels are provided in the labels of the metadata label column, factors will be run as default on the label column.
#' @param min_cells the minimum number of cells in a cell type to retain it.
#'   Defaults to \code{3}.
#' @param min_reps the minimum number of replicates in a cell type to retain it.
#'   Defaults to \code{2}.
#' @param min_features the minimum number of expressing cells (or replicates) 
#'   for a gene to retain it. Defaults to \code{0}.   
#' @param de_family the differential expression/accessibility family to use. Available options
#' are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"singlecell"}: 
#' For single cell differential expression (DE) methods, uses traditionally methods implemented by Seurat to
#' test for DE genes. These methods do not take biological replicate into account. There are \code{six} options
#' for \code{de_method} that can be used, while no input for \code{de_test} is required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"wilcox"}: Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test. The default.
#' \item{"bimod"}: Likelihood ratio test
#' \item{"t"}: Student's t-test
#' \item{"negbinom"}: Negative binomial linear model
#' \item{"LR"}: Logistic regression
#' \item{"MAST"}: MAST (requires installation of the \code{MAST} package).
#' }
#' For single cell differential accessibility (DA) methods, uses methods implemented by Signac and custom-implemented methods to
#' test for DA regions. These methods do not take biological replicate into account. There are \code{eight} options
#' for \code{de_method} that can be used, while no input for \code{de_test} is required:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"wilcox"}: Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test. The default.
#' \item{"t"}: Student's t-test
#' \item{"negbinom"}: Negative binomial linear model
#' \item{"LR"}: Logistic regression
#' \item{"fisher"}: Fisher exact test
#' \item{"binomial"}: Binomial test
#' \item{"LR_peaks"}: Logistic regression by peaks
#' \item{"permutation"}: Permutation testing
#' }
#' \item{"pseudobulk"}: These methods first convert the single-cell expression/ single-cell peak
#' matrix to a so-called 'pseudobulk' matrix by summing counts for each gene/peaks
#' within biological replicates, and then performing differential expression/differential accessbility
#' using bulk RNA-seq methods. For pseudobulk methods there are \code{six}
#' different methods that can be accessed by combinations of \code{de_method}
#' and \code{de_type}. First specify \code{de_method} as one of the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"edgeR"}: The edgeR method according to
#' Robinson et al, Bioinformatics, 2010. For this method please specify
#' \code{de_type} as either \code{"LRT"} or \code{"QLF"} as the null hypothesis
#' testing approach. See http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/edgeR.html
#' for further information. The default.
#' \item{"DESeq2"}: The DESeq2 method according to
#' Love et al, Genome Biology, 2014. For this method please specify
#' \code{de_type} as either \code{"LRT"} or \code{"Wald"} as the null hypothesis
#' testing approach. See https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DESeq2.html
#' for further information.
#' \item{"limma"}: The limma method according to
#' Ritchie et al, Nucleic Acids Research, 2015. For this method please specify
#' \code{de_type} as either \code{"voom"} or \code{"trend"} as the precise
#' normalization and null hypothesis testing approach within limma. See
#' https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/limma.html for
#' further information.
#' }
#' \item{"mixedmodel"}: Mixed model methods also take biological replicate into
#' account by modelling it as a random effect. Please note that these methods
#' are generally extremely computationally intensive. For mixed model methods
#' there are \code{ten} different methods that can be accessed by
#' combinations of \code{de_method} and \code{de_type}.
#' First specify \code{de_method} as one of the following:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"negbinom"}: Negative binomial generalized linear mixed model.
#' The default.
#' \item{"linear"}: Linear mixed model.
#' \item{"poisson"}: Poisson generalized linear mixed model.
#' \item{"negbinom_offset"}: Negative binomial generalized linear mixed model
#' with an offset term to account for sequencing depth differences between cells.
#' \item{"poisson_offset"}: Poisson generalized linear mixed model with an
#' offset term to account for sequencing depth differences between cells.
#' }
#' For each of these options the user has the option to use either a Wald or
#' Likelihood ratio testing method by setting \code{de_type} to \code{"Wald"}
#' or \code{"LRT"}. Default is LRT.
#' \item{"snapatac_findDAR"}: SnapATAC findDifferentialAccessibility method. Only for scATAC-seq.
#' }
#' @param de_method the specific differential expression testing method to use.
#' Please see the documentation under \code{de_family} for precise usage options,
#' or see the documentation at https://github.com/neurorestore/Libra. This
#' option will default to \code{wilcox} for \code{singlecell} methods, to
#' \code{edgeR} for \code{pseudobulk} methods, and \code{negbinom} for
#' \code{mixedmodel} methods.
#' @param de_test the specific mixed model test to use. Please see the
#' documentation under \code{de_family} for precise usage options,
#' or see the documentation at https://github.com/neurorestore/Libra. This
#' option defaults to \code{NULL} for \code{singlecell} methods, to \code{LRT}
#' for \code{pseudobulk} and \code{mixedmodel} methods.
#' @param input_type refers to either scRNA or scATAC
#' @param normalization normalization for single-cell based Seurat/Signac methods, options include
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"log_tp10k"}: Log TP10K (default)
#' \item{"tp10k"}: TP10K
#' \item{"log_tp_median"}: Log TP median
#' \item{"tp_median"}: TP median
#' \item{"TFIDF"}: Only for scATAC-seq
#' }
#' @param binarization binarization for single-cell ATAC-seq only
#' @param latent_vars latent variables for single-cell Seurat/Signac based methods. 
#' @param n_threads number of threads to use for parallelization in mixed models.
#' @return a data frame containing differential expression results with the
#' following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"cell type"}: The cell type DE tests were run on. By default Libra
#' will run DE on all cell types present in the original meta data.
#' \item{"gene"}: The gene being tested.
#' \item{"avg_logFC"}: The average log fold change between conditions. The
#' direction of the logFC can be controlled using factor levels of \code{label_col}
#' whereby a positive logFC reflects higher expression in the first level of
#' the factor, compared to the second. This is calculated using \code{Seurat::FoldChange}.
#' \item{"label1.pct"}: Percentage of cells expressing the gene in label 1.
#' \item{"label2.pct"}: Percentage of cells expressing the gene in label 2.
#' \item{"label1.exp"}: Mean expression of the gene in label 1.
#' \item{"label2.exp"}: Mean expression of the gene in label 2.
#' \item{"p_val"}: The p-value resulting from the null hypothesis test.
#' \item{"p_val_adj"}: The adjusted p-value according to the Benjamini
#' Hochberg method (FDR).
#' \item{"de_family/da_family"}: The differential expression/accessibility method family.
#' \item{"de_method/da_method"}: The precise differential/accessibility expression method.
#' \item{"de_type/da_type"}: The differential expression/accessibility method statistical testing type.
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr  %<>%
#' @importFrom forcats fct_recode
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by mutate select ungroup arrange left_join
#' @export
run_de = function(input,
                  meta = NULL,
                  replicate_col = 'replicate',
                  cell_type_col = 'cell_type',
                  label_col = 'label',
                  min_cells = 3,
                  min_reps = 2,
                  min_features = 0,
                  de_family = 'pseudobulk',
                  de_method = 'edgeR',
                  de_type = 'LRT',
                  input_type = 'scRNA',
                  normalization = 'log_tp10k',
                  binarization = FALSE,
                  latent_vars = NULL,
                  n_threads = 2) {
  # first, make sure inputs are correct
  inputs = check_inputs(
    input = input,
    meta = meta,
    replicate_col = replicate_col,
    cell_type_col = cell_type_col,
    label_col = label_col
  input = inputs$expr
  meta = inputs$meta
  label_levels = levels(meta$label)
  cell_type_levels = levels(meta$cell_type)
  sc = CreateSeuratObject(input, meta.data=meta) %>% NormalizeData(verbose = F)
  out_stats = data.frame()
  for (ct in cell_type_levels) {
      label1_barcodes = meta %>% filter(cell_type == ct, label == label_levels[1]) %>% rownames(.)
      label2_barcodes = meta %>% filter(cell_type == ct, label == label_levels[2]) %>% rownames(.)
      label1_mean_expr = rowMeans(input[,label1_barcodes])
      label2_mean_expr = rowMeans(input[,label2_barcodes])
      tmp_stats = Seurat::FoldChange(sc, label1_barcodes, label2_barcodes, base=exp(1)) %>%
          mutate(gene = rownames(.)) %>%
          set_rownames(NULL) %>%
          dplyr::select(gene, avg_logFC, pct.1, pct.2)
      mean_expr = data.frame(
          gene = names(label1_mean_expr),
          exp1 = label1_mean_expr,
          exp2 = label2_mean_expr
      out_stats %<>% rbind(tmp_stats %>% 
          dplyr::left_join(mean_expr, by='gene') %>%
          mutate(cell_type = ct) %>%
          dplyr::relocate(cell_type, .before=gene)
  # run differential expression
  DE = switch(de_family,
              pseudobulk = pseudobulk_de(
                input = input,
                meta = meta,
                replicate_col = replicate_col,
                cell_type_col = cell_type_col,
                label_col = label_col,
                min_cells = min_cells,
                min_reps = min_reps,
                min_features = min_features,
                de_family = 'pseudobulk',
                de_method = de_method,
                de_type = de_type
              mixedmodel = mixedmodel_de(
                input = input,
                meta = meta,
                replicate_col = replicate_col,
                cell_type_col = cell_type_col,
                label_col = label_col,
                min_features = min_features,
                de_family = 'mixedmodel',
                de_method = de_method,
                de_type = de_type,
                n_threads = n_threads
              singlecell = singlecell_de(
                input = input,
                meta = meta,
                cell_type_col = cell_type_col,
                label_col = label_col,
                min_features = min_features,
                de_method = de_method,
                normalization = normalization,
                binarization = binarization,
                latent_vars = latent_vars,
                input_type = input_type
              snapatac_findDAR = singlecell_de(
                input = input,
                meta = meta,
                cell_type_col = cell_type_col,
                label_col = label_col,
                min_features = min_features,
                de_method = de_method

  # clean up the output
    colnames(DE) %<>%
    fct_recode('p_val' = 'p.value',  ## DESeq2
               'p_val' = 'pvalue',  ## DESeq2
               'p_val' = 'p.value',  ## t/wilcox
               'p_val' = 'P.Value',  ## limma
               'p_val' = 'PValue'  , ## edgeR
               'p_val_adj' = 'padj', ## DESeq2/t/wilcox
               'p_val_adj' = 'adj.P.Val',      ## limma
               'p_val_adj' = 'FDR',            ## edgeER
               'avg_logFC' = 'log2FoldChange', ## DESEeq2
               'avg_logFC' = 'logFC', ## limma/edgeR
               'avg_logFC' = 'avg_log2FC' # Seurat V4
    ) %>%

  DE %<>%
    # calculate adjusted p values
    group_by(cell_type) %>%
    mutate(p_val_adj = p.adjust(p_val, method = 'BH')) %>%
    # make sure gene is a character not a factor
    mutate(gene = as.character(gene)) %>%
    dplyr::select(cell_type, gene, p_val, p_val_adj, de_family, de_method, de_type) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(out_stats, by = c('gene', 'cell_type')) %>%
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(cell_type, gene) %>%
      !!paste0(label_levels[1], '.exp') := exp1,
      !!paste0(label_levels[2], '.exp') := exp2,
      !!paste0(label_levels[1], '.pct') := pct.1,
      !!paste0(label_levels[2], '.pct') := pct.2
    if (input_type == 'scATAC') {
      DE %<>%
              da_family = de_family,
              da_method = de_method,
              da_type = de_type
neurorestore/Libra documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 8:53 p.m.