
Defines functions wh_reviews

Documented in wh_reviews

#' Get Reviews
#' Get access to structured online reviews.
#' @param q a string query containing the filters that define which posts will be returned.
#' @param ts The "ts" (timestamp) parameter is telling the system to return results that were
#' crawled after this timestamp (\code{POSIXct} or \code{POSIXlt}).
#' @param sort by default (when the sort parameter isn't specified)
#' the results are sorted by the recommended order of crawl date.
#' See details for valid values.
#' @param order If you choose to order the posts by any of the numeric \code{sort} values,
#' you can choose in what order you want to get them: \code{asc} (default) or \code{desc}.
#' @param accuracy return only posts with high extraction accuracy, but removes about 30% of
#' the total matching posts (with lower confidence).
#' @param highlight return the fragments in the post that matched the textual Boolean query.
#' The matched keywords will be surrounded by \code{<em/>} tags.
#' @param latest this will return the latest 100 crawled posts matching your query (**NOT** recommended).
#' @param quiet if \code{FALSE} does not return useful information to console.
#' @details
#' Valid sort values
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{relevancy}
#'   \item{social.facebook.likes}
#'   \item{social.facebook.shares}
#'   \item{social.facebook.comments}
#'   \item{social.gplus.shares}
#'   \item{social.pinterest.shares}
#'   \item{social.linkedin.shares}
#'   \item{social.stumbledupon.shares}
#'   \item{social.vk.shares}
#'   \item{replies_count}
#'   \item{participants_count}
#'   \item{spam_score}
#'   \item{performance_score}
#'   \item{published}
#'   \item{thread.published}
#'   \item{domain_rank}
#'   \item{ord_in_thread}
#'   \item{rating}
#' }
#' See \href{https://docs.webhose.io/v1.0/docs/filters-reference}{official documentation} for valid filters.
#' @return object of class \code{webhoser}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' token <- wh_token("xXX-x0X0xX0X-00X")
#' rstats <- wh_reviews(q = '"ipad OR ipod"') %>%  # use quote marks!
#'   wh_collect() # collect results
#' }
#' @export
wh_reviews <- function(q, ts = (Sys.time() - (3 * 24 * 60 * 60)), sort = NULL, order = NULL,
                    accuracy = NULL, highlight = NULL, latest = NULL,
                    quiet = !interactive()){

    stop("must pass q", call. = FALSE)

  token <- wh_get_token(quiet)

  if(inherits(ts, "POSIXct") || inherits(ts, "POSIXlt")) ts <- paste0(as.integer(ts), '000')

  uri <- getOption("webhoser_base_url")
  uri <- paste0(uri, "/filterWebContent")
  uri_parsed <- httr::parse_url(uri)

  uri_parsed$query <- list(
    token = token,
    format = "json",
    q = q,
    sort = sort,
    ts = as.numeric(ts),
    order = order,
    size = 100,
    accuracy_confidence = accuracy,
    highlight = highlight,
    latest = latest

  uri_built <- httr::build_url(uri_parsed)

  response <- httr::GET(uri_built)


  content <- httr::content(response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
  content <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)

    cat(crayon::yellow(cli::symbol$info), crayon::underline(content$requestsLeft), "queries left.\n")

news-r/webhoser documentation built on Aug. 1, 2019, 5:50 p.m.