
# --- FUNCTION PriceRel ---------------------------------------
# Usage:    get_price_relatives(prices)
# Purpose:  calculates the price relatives (ratio of the asset 
#           price at t and the asset price at t-1)
# Input:    Object (Vector, Matrix, zoo) of Asset-Prices
# Output:   Matrix of price relatives
# -------------------------------------------------------------

#### roxygen2 comments ################################################
#' Get price relatives
#' calculates the price relatives of according asset prices; that is the 
#' closing (opening) price at time t divided by the closing (opening) 
#' price at time t-1.
#' @param prices Matrix of asset prices, where each column represents
#'               an asset.
#' @return Matrix of price relatives
#' @examples 
#' # load stock prices, for more information see quantmod-package
#' library(quantmod)
#' getSymbols("SPY", src="yahoo")
#' # closing prices
#' prices <- Cl(SPY)
#' # get price relatives
#' get_price_relatives(prices)
#' @export
get_price_relatives <- function(prices){
    returns_log <- diff(log(prices))
    price_relatives <- exp(returns_log)
    returns_log <- apply(log(prices), 2, diff)
    # price relatives
    price_relatives <- apply(returns_log, 2, exp)
ngloe/olpsR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 4:42 p.m.