
Defines functions showLineage

Documented in showLineage

#' @title showLineage
#' @description Show the data lineage.
#' @param dtf_tree A dataframe containing the lineage.
#' @param str_type "dfi" --> Show the lineage of dataframes;
#' "columns" --> show the lineage of columns.
#' @return A plot containing the lineage.
#' @importFrom DiagrammeR create_node_df create_edge_df create_graph render_graph
#' @export

showLineage <- function(dtf_tree, str_type = "dataframes"){

  if(str_type == "dataframes"){

    dtf_lng <- base::unique(dtf_tree[, c("ID", "NAME", "FROM_ID", "ACTION")])
    dtf_nodes <- base::unique(dtf_tree[, c("ID", "NAME")])

    str_nodes <- base::sort(base::unique(c("", dtf_lng$ID)))
    str_nodes_names <- unlist(sapply(X = str_nodes,
                                     FUN = function(x){
                                       dtf_nodes$NAME[which(dtf_nodes$ID == x)]
    str_nodes_names <- c("DATA", str_nodes_names)

    int_from <- unlist(sapply(X = dtf_lng$FROM_ID,
                              FUN = function(x){which(str_nodes == x)}))
    int_to <- unlist(sapply(X = dtf_lng$ID,
                            FUN = function(x){which(str_nodes == x)}))

  } else if(str_type == "columns"){

    dtf_lng <- base::unique(dtf_tree[order(dtf_tree$ID,

    dtf_lng <- base::data.frame(
      ID = base::paste(dtf_lng$ID, dtf_lng$COLUMNS, sep = " "),
      NAME = base::paste(dtf_lng$NAME, dtf_lng$COLUMNS, sep = " "),
      FROM_ID = base::paste(dtf_lng$FROM_ID, dtf_lng$FROM_COLUMNS, sep = " "),
      ACTION = dtf_lng$ACTION,
      COMMENT = dtf_lng$COMMENT,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE


  dtf_nodes <- base::unique(dtf_lng[, c("ID", "NAME")])

  str_nodes <- base::sort(base::unique(c(
    base::ifelse(str_type == "dataframes",
                 " "),

  str_nodes_names <- unlist(sapply(X = str_nodes,
                                   FUN = function(x){
                                     dtf_nodes$NAME[which(dtf_nodes$ID == x)]
  str_nodes_names <- c("DATA", str_nodes_names)

  int_from <- unlist(sapply(X = dtf_lng$FROM_ID,
                            FUN = function(x){which(str_nodes == x)}))
  int_to <- unlist(sapply(X = dtf_lng$ID,
                          FUN = function(x){which(str_nodes == x)}))

  nodes_df <-
      n = length(str_nodes),
      label = str_nodes_names,
      shape = rep("rectangle", length(str_nodes)),
      fontsize = 5,
      height = 0.2
      #width = 1

  edges_df <-
      from = int_from,
      to = int_to,
      label = dtf_lng$ACTION,
      color = "black",
      fontsize = 5

  graph <-
      nodes_df = nodes_df,
      edges_df = edges_df

  DiagrammeR::render_graph(graph, layout = "tree")

ngshya/dtlng documentation built on May 23, 2019, 3:05 p.m.