
# Getters and setters for Term objects.

#' @export

#' @export
setMethod("args", signature("typesys::Function"),
  function(name) {
    len = length(name@components)

# ----------------------------------------
#' @export
setGeneric("return_type", function(fn) standardGeneric("return_type"),
  valueClass = "typesys::Term")

#' @export
setMethod("return_type", signature("typesys::Function"),
  function(fn) {
    len = length(fn@components)

#' Get Variables
#' This function returns a list of all variables in a term or constrain.
#' In an ImplicitInstance constraint, some variables in the right-hand term may
#' be generic rather than monomorphic. Generic variables are replaced with new
#' variables when a constraint is solved, whereas monomorphic variables are
#' not. The `generic` parameter controls whether generic variable are included
#' in returned the list of variables.
#' @param term (Term|Constraint) The term to search for variables.
#' @param generic (logical) Should generic variables be included in the list?
#' @return A list of Variable objects.
#' @export
function(term, generic = FALSE)

#' @export
setMethod("vars", signature("typesys::Variable"),
function(term, generic = FALSE)

#' @export
setMethod("vars", signature("typesys::Constant"),
function(term, generic = FALSE)

#' @export
setMethod("vars", signature("typesys::Composite"),
function(term, generic = FALSE)
  result = lapply(term@components, vars, generic = generic)
  result = unlist(result, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
  # Make sure an empty list is returned instead of NULL.

#' @export
setMethod("vars", signature("typesys::Constraint"),
function(term, generic = FALSE)
  v1 = vars(term@t1, generic)
  v2 = vars(term@t2, generic)
  union(v1, v2)

setMethod("vars", signature("typesys::ImplicitInstance"),
function(term, generic = FALSE)
  if (generic)
    return (callNextMethod())

  v1 = vars(term@t1, generic)
  v2 = intersect(vars(term@t2, generic), term@monomorphic)
  union(v1, v2)
nick-ulle/typesys documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 5:13 p.m.