
Defines functions riverreach

Documented in riverreach

#' returns list of subcatchments between 2 subcatchments on the same river ordered upstream to downstream
#' @param hierarchy a dataframe containing catchment id and next downstream (nextds) id fields.
#' Hierarchy must have fields 'site' and 'nextds'
#' @param upstream the upstream subcatchment id
#' @param downstream the downstream subcatchment id
#' @param riverdist ?
#' @return Returns list of subcatchments between 2 subcatchments
#' on the same river.
#' @note riverdist, if used, should be the column number of the riverdistance
#' measure in hierarchy.
#' Returns the following error if downstream is not downstream of upstream:
#' Error in while (y != downstream) { : argument is of length zero' }
#' Note that unlike pairReaches riverreach preserves ordering but cannot trace down and then up tributaries.
#' @examples
#'#function needs checking.
#'#riverreach(hierarchy = mwcats[,c(1:2)], upstream='YARR2415', downstream='YARR001')
#' @export
riverreach <- function(hierarchy, upstream, downstream, riverdist = NULL) {

  names(hierarchy) <- c("site", "nextds")
  x <- y <- upstream
  if (!is.null(riverdist))
    rd <- hierarchy[hierarchy$site == x, riverdist]
  while (y != downstream) {
    y <- unique(hierarchy$nextds[hierarchy$site == y])
    if (identical(y, character(0)) | identical(y, integer(0)) == TRUE) {
      cat("upstream value,", upstream, ", not upstream of downstream value,", downstream, ".\n")
    } else x <- c(x, y)
    if (!is.null(riverdist))
  	rd <- c(rd, hierarchy[hierarchy$site == y, riverdist])
  if (!is.null(riverdist))
    x <- data.frame(reach = x, riverdist = rd)
nickbond/catchstats documentation built on July 10, 2024, 9:56 a.m.